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Dr. AbdulAziz A. AlKanhal


Teaching Assistant and Resident in General Surgery

كلية الطب
Department of Surgery, College of Medicine (3rd Floor)
course material

Exam Sample


1)   With regard to Meckel’s diverticulum, which is true:

a.       They are present in 50% of the population

b.      They are true diverticula.

c.       All can be visualized by Meckel’s scan.

d.      Most complications occur in the elderly.

e.       Diverticulitis is the most common complication.



2) A definite increased risk of colon cancer is associated with :

a       Diet high in fiber.

b.      Diet low in animal fat and protein.

c.      Diet low in fiber.

d.      Ulcerative colitis

e.        Prior cholecystectomy.


3) With regard to colorectal polyps, which of the following is considered precancerous :

a.      Hyperplastic polyps.

b.     Hamartomatous polyps

c.    Adenomatous polyps

d.      Lymphoid polyps

e.      Inflammatory polyps.



4) Pain in chronic pancreatitis could be improved with, except 

a. Antibiotics    

b. Narcotics

c. Celiac block

d. Surgical drainage

e) Pancreatectomy


5) Pancreatic adenocarcinoma can present with, except 

a. Hematemesis    

b. Jaundice

c. Abdominal pain

d. Abdominal mass

e. Weight loss



6) which of the following are included in the triple assessment of the breast symptoms:

a.  chest x-ray.

b.  U/S liver

c.  Bone scan

d.  U/S breast

e.   MRl of the spine





7) A 35 year —old lady with a well-defined, tense, smooth mass in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. She states that the mass becomes larger just before onset of her periods. Aspiration yields a clear yellow fluid and the mass disappears. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. Fibroadenoma in a cyst

b. Fibrocystic disease of the breast

c. Carcinoma in a cyst

d. Lipoma

e. Galactocele


8) Estrogen receptors are positive in a breast Ca, in what percentage of cases:

a.  2.5%

b.  8%

c.  25%

d.  55%

e.  95%


9) The following are characteristics of radiological images of fibroadenoma.

a.  Ill-defined

b.  Acoustic shadowing

c.   Microcalcification

d.   Cystic

e.   Discrete


10) A55- year old woman underwent a left modified mastectomy for a 2 cm mass. She is anxious about her future outlook. She should be informed that the factor that will most likely provide the greatest impact on her prognosis is which of the following?

a.  The size of the tumor

b.  The histological type.

c.  The number of axillary nodes positive for metastesis.

d.  Hormonal receptor status of the primary tumour.

e.   Positive finding on tests for the presence of the BRCAI gene.