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عبدالله بن حمدان بن ناصر الجديع

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
مبنى 24 - الدور الثاني

مقرر 241 علم الدم CLS 241 HAEMATOLOGY

 Haematology is a science that deals with blood and its components, their structure, function, and disorders. The course will be 4 credit hours. Two credit hours will be designated for lectures and two credit hours for practical sessions.
The course will contain an introductory part, in which basic concepts of haematology are introduced and major terms are defined; then, specialized topics will be tackled in a systematic approach to cover the major diseases of blood and its components.


The course is especially designed for undergraduate students who intend to work in medical diagnostic laboratories. Upon the completion of the course, students would have benefited form the following objectives of the course

  1. Recognise  major  concepts  in  haematology,  including  haemopoiesis and hematopoietic growth factors,  bone  marrow structure, blood composition, and functions of blood components.


  1. Understand  the  basis  of  blood  diseases,  including  anemias, haemoglobinopathies, coagulopathies and bleeding disorders, and haematological malignancies.


  1.  Be familiar with the latest information regarding the newest diagnostic techniques utilized by haematologists to diagnose haematological disorders, including flow cytometry analysis and stem cell purification and transplantation.


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