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د. أمل سليمان العودة

Assistant Professor

استاذ مساعد

كلية طب الأسنان
المبنى العاشر، الدور الاول، مكتب رقم 12

RDS 213

This course consists of two main components, the principles of cavity preparations for the currently available restoratives, their physical and manipulative characteristics and cavity restoration. They are provided by the RDS Department during the two semesters of the second year of the RDS program. It is a 1 + 2 + 0, equivalent to 3 credit hours course for first semester plus 1 + 2 + 0 for second semester, or a total of 6 credit hours course.

This module will provide you with an overview of the Operative Dentistry Program, its organization, the kinds of instructional materials you will be using and the types of testing and grading procedures employed.

This course of study is critically important to your future as a practitioner. It prepares you to provide the major portion of dental care to your patients.

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