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آلاء أحمد العنتيت


عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية الصيدلة
مبنى ٨ كلية الصيدلة مكتب رقم ١٥ الدور الأول

313/315 PHL ( Pharmacology lab )

313/315 PHL ( Pharmacology lab )

This course starts with introduction of basic principle of pharmacology and study the pharmacolgical action of some drugs by using isolated tissue which deals with invitro experiments. This practical work is distributed on the following parts

A- Study the effect of drugs on isolated tissue

 1- Effect of certain agonist and their antagonist on isolated rabbit intestine

 2- Effect of certain agonist and their antagonist on isolated guinea pig ileum

 3- Effect of differnt drugs on the isolated frog rectus abdominis 

B- Study the effect of drugs on isolated organ

Effect and the site of action of differnt drugs on isolated rabbit heart

C- Study the effect of drugs on anesthetized animal

Effect of certain drugs on blood pressure of anesthetized rabbit

course attachements