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عبد الحميد محمد اجبار


عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية الهندسة
مبنى 3 الدور الثاني رقم المكتب 2ب43

Introduction to Engineering Design - GE105

. In addition to exposing students to the engineering profession and to its different categories available in the college, this course aims at introducing the systematic engineering thinking, communication and teamwork dynamics in a design process. During this course the students are divided into teams and are assigned a conceptual design project for which they practice systematic design steps starting from identifying needs and ending by devising a suitable solutions and communicating it. During tutorial sessions, student groups are assisted to practice the design concepts highlighted during lectures on a diverse number of real problems usually treated in previous exams and or projects. Tutorials aim to bring students into a certain level of skills allowing them to use design concepts more in depth for their course project. Moreover, each group of students is requested to provide at least three draft presentations and draft reports about their project progress during the term. This intends to improve their soft skills and prepare them to deliver correctly their final project presentation and report. Students are encouraged to make prototypes of their design and are required to deliver a poster summarizing their project to be exposed in the projects day of the college. Prizes are given to the best projects.

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