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د.فهد بن كشيم بن وعله

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor of Engineering Sustainability, Construction Engineering and Project Management

كلية الهندسة
كلية الهندسة, مبنى رقم 3, الدور الثاني, مكتب رقم 14

introduction/brief CV

Dr. Fahad Bin Welah obtained his BS in Civil Engineering in 2007 from King Saud University in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In 2009 he joined the University of Birmingham where he obtained his MSc in Construction Management in 2010. He then continued at the same university, where he then obtained his PhD degree in 2017. He is currently an assistant professor at King Saud University in the field of Engineering Sustainability, Construction Engineering and Project Management. Dr. Bin Welah is a local lead of C20 Infrastructure Working Group, G20 Saudi Arabia. He is a part time consultant at Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture. In addition, Dr. Bin Welah is a Professional Engineer at Saudi Council of Engineers, Certified Inspector for Mostadam program at ministry of Housing and International Licenced Trainer. On the practical level, Dr. Bin Welah acquired a number of technical, planning and development skill, in addition to a leadership and team development skills. These skills were enhanced through his work and cooperation with many government and private sectors, such as the KSU strategic plan office (PMO), the National Centre for Waste Management and leading the C20 infrastructure working group of the G20. Formerly, he was a part time lecturer of Construction Management, University of Birmingham, UK. He has vast teaching and research experience at highly reputed universities. During his career he taught more than eight different undergraduate and postgraduate courses including Engineering Management, Sustainability and Green Buildings, Cost Management, Quality and Human Resource Management, Construction Planning and Control, Engineering Economy, Construction Contracts, Construction Equipment and Methods. His primary practical and research interests are in Engineering Sustainability, Rapid and Safe Transportation Systems, Smart Cities, Safety Management in Road Projects, Recycling and Circular Economy, Smart Integrated Waste Management, Privatization of Infrastructure and Waste Management Projects, Smart Monitoring and Controlling, BIM, Planning and Strategic Management, Risk and Crisis Management, LCA, Innovative Green Construction Materials and Technologies, Green Buildings and Concrete. Dr. Bin Welah has served as principal investigator on number of research projects in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Bin Welah holds three International Patents, published more than 9 technical and conference papers. Dr. Bin Welah got a Silver Medal for his inventions at international level. Over the years, he is recipient of 8 Excellence and Distinguished Awards letters. He is member of international professional bodies such as SCE, PMI, USGBC, ASCE.   

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