AlSagri, H., and Ykhlef, M.: `Quantifying Feature Importance for Detecting Depression Using Random Forest',IJACSA, 11(5), pp.628-645. (ISI Journal)
MS Aldayel, M Ykhlef, AN Al-Nafjan. Electroencephalogram-based Preference Prediction Using Deep Transfer Learning IEEE Access, 2020 ISI Journal
Alsagri, H.S., and Ykhlef, M.: `Machine Learning-based Approach for Depression Detection in Twitter Using Content and Activity Features', IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2020 E103-D,(08). (ISI Journal)
M ALdayel, M Ykhlef, A Al-Nafjan. Deep Learning for EEG-Based Preference Classification in Neuromarketing. Applied Sciences 10 (4), 1525, 2020 (ISI Journal)
N Alhakbani, MM Hassan, M Ykhlef, G Fortino, An efficient event matching system for semantic smart data in the Internet of Things (IoT) environment, Future Generation Computer Systems 95, 163-174, 2019 ISI Journal
Hatoon S. AlSagri, Mourad Ykhlef. Selection of Community Detection Features Influencing Negative Emotional Contagion on Twitter. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. Volume 19 Issue 9 Pages 29-39و 2, 2019 ISI Journal
M. Al-Ajlan and M. Ykhlef, "Deep Learning Algorithm for Cyberbullying Detection", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 9, no. 9, 2018 ISI Journal
A Altameem, M Ykhlef. "Hybrid Approach for Improving Efficiency of Apriori Algorithm on Frequent Itemset" IJCSNS 18 (5), 151. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.18 No.5, May 2018. ISI Journal
L AlSuwaidan, M Ykhlef . "Interest-based clustering approach for social networks". Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 43 (2), 935-947, 2018 ISI Journal
Y AlQahtani, M Ykhlef. "A Parallel Community Detection Algorithm for Big Social Networks".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS 9 (1), 335-340 , 2018 ISI Journal
AlSuwaidan, Lulwah, and Mourad Ykhlef. "Information Diffusion Predictive Model Using Radiation Transfer.", IEEE Access 5.1, (2017): 25946-25957 ISI Journal
Mashael ALDAYEL Mourad YKHLEF. A New Sentiment Case-Based Recommender. Publication: IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems. Publicized: 2017/04/05. DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2016EDP7441 ISI Journal
Al-Otaibi, S. T., & Ykhlef, M (2017). Hybrid Immunizing Solution for Job Recommender System. Frontiers of Computer Science, Springer. (ISI Journal) (In DOI: 10.1007/s11704-016-5241-z
AlSagri, H., and Ykhlef, M.: ’Analyzing and Detracting Negative Emotion Contagion Influence in Online Social Networks-Position Paper’, International Journal of Computing, Communication and Instrumentation Engineering (IJCCIE) 2017, 4, (1).
Al-Otaibi, S. T., & Ykhlef, M. (2016). New Artificial Immune System Approach based on Monoclonal Principle for Job Recommendation. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, SAI, Vol. 7 (4). 2016. , pages: 117-125 (ISI Journal).
Abeer Al-Dayel and Mourad Ykhlef, "Enhanced Arabic Document Retrieval Using Optimized Query Paraphrasing", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. Volume 40, Issue 11, pp 3211–3232, November 2015 ISI Journal
Sara A. Bin Shalan and Mourad Ykhlef, "Solving Multi-objective Portfolio Optimization Problem for Saudi. Arabia Stock Market Using Hybrid Clonal Selection and Particle Swarm Optimization", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. Volume 40, Issue 8, pp 2407–2421, August 2015 ISI Journal
Al-Otaibi, S. T., & Ykhlef, M. (2015). Immunizing Job Recommender System. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology, Vol. 2 (10). pp. 97-110. 2015
Mourad Ykhlef and Reem Alqifari, "A New Hybrid Algorithm to Solve Winner Determination Problem in Multiunit Double Internet Auction", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 639787, 10 pages, Journal
S. Alhazmi and M. Ykhlef, "A new Top-k Conditional XML Preference Queries," International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJAIA), vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 65-74, 2014.
Mourad Ykhlef and Danah Algawiaz, "A New Strategic Risk Reduction For Risk Management", International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems volume 7 issue 6, pp 1054-1063 , 14/11/2014 ISI Journal
A. Aldayel and M. Ykhlef, "Arabic users' attitudes toward Web searching using paraphrasing mechanisms," International Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems, vol. 2, no. 2, 2013.
Abdulkader A. Alfantookh, Hussam M. Ramadan, Alaa Eldin M. Hafez, Mourad A. Ykhlef, Ahmad J. AlShibli, Mourad A. Benchikh. A Decision-Support System for the Saudi Ministry of Higher Education. International Journal of Computers and Their Applications (IJCA), Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec 2012
Mourad Ykhlef. A Recursive Visual Query Language for XML Data. International Journal of Web Information Systems, Volume 7 issue 3, ISSN: 1744-0084, DOI: 10.1108/17440081111165893 , Emerald Group Publishing, pp 269-291, 2011 ISI INDEXED
Mourad Ykhlef and Sarra Alqahtani, A Survey of graphical query languages for XML Data. Journal of King Saud University, Computer and Information Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 2, ISSN 1319-1578, Elsevier, July 2011, pp 59-70
Mourad Ykhlef, A Quantum Swarm Evolutionary Algorithm for Mining Association Rules in Large Database, Journal of King Saud University, Computer and Information Sciences (2011)
Mourad Ykhlef and Sarra Alqahtani. Querying and Restructuring XML Data by Graphical Query Language, International Journal of Web Information Systems, Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, UK , Volume 6, No. 2, 2010 pp 230-247 ISI INDEXED
Mourad Ykhlef, Hebah ElGibreen, Mining Sequential Patterns Using Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm, WASET: WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, ISSN: 2070-3724, VOLUME 60, DECEMBER 2009, Page No.: 863-870.
Mourad Ykhlef, A Survey of A Family of Recursive Query Languages for XML Data, Journal Of King Abdulaziz University, Engineering Sciences. Volume 21 No. 2 pp:35-57, 2010.
Mourad Ykhlef, A logical foundation for Nested semi-structured data and Web forms, International Journal of Web Information System, Troubador Publisher, Volume 2, Issue 1, pages: 3-17, March 2006
Mourad Ykhlef, Querying Semi-structured Data on Internet (in french), Revue d'Information Scientifique et technique, Algeria, year 2003, vol 13 number 01, pages 95-121, ISSN 1111-0015
Nicole Nidoit, Mourad Ykhlef, Fixpoint Calculus For Querying Semi-Structured Data, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 1590, Springer, 1999, pages:78-97, ISBN 3-540-65890-4 ISI INDEXED
International Conferences
M. Al-Ajlan and M. Ykhlef, "Optimized Twitter Cyberbullying Detection based on Deep Learning", in 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, IEEE, 2018. .
AlSuwaidan, Lulwah, and Mourad Ykhlef. "A Novel Information Diffusion Model for Online Social Networks." 19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, 2017.(ACM Conference).
AlSagri, H., Ykhlef, M., 2016. “A Framework For Analyzing And Detracting Negative Emotional Contagion In Online Social Networks.” In: Information And Communication Systems (ICICS), 2016 7th International Conference On Information & Communication Systems. IEEE
Al-Otaibi, S. T., & Ykhlef, M. (2014). An Artificial Immune System for Job Recommendation. In proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop on Bioinspired Intelligence, 16-18 July, Leberia, Costa Rica, pp. 37 – 43, IEEE.
Mashael Aldrees, Mourad Ykhlef: A Seeding Cellular Learning Automata Approach for Viral Marketing In Social Network. iiWAS 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam 4-6 December: 59-63
R. Al-Omar and M. Ykhlef, " A Group Decision Making for SWOT Aletranative Prioritization Using Analytic Hierarchy Process and Benefit-Cost Analysis," The 5th IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Systems ICICS'14 April 1th to 3rd, 2014, Irbit Jordan.
A. Aldayel and M. Ykhlef, "Query Paraphrasing Enhancement Using Artificial Bee Colony" International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics. International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics . 2013. Madrid, Spain, ACM. 12-6-2013
Mourad Ykhlef and Danah Algawiaz, A New Strategic Risk Reduction, The 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 29th of March, 2013, Aman, Jordan
M. Ykhlef, A. Aldayel, Query Paraphrasing using Genetic Approach for Intelligent Information Retrieval ,The 7th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions ICITST-2012 (IEEE UK/RI Computer Chapter), pp. 699-703. December 10-12, 2012, London, UK
Shaha T. Al-Otaibi, Mourad Ykhlef. Recommendation Systems for Enhancing E-recruitment Process, Information and Knowledge Engineering conference (IKE 2012), Las Vegas, NV., USA, 2012
Abdulkader A. Alfantookh(1), Hussam M. Ramadan, Alaa Eldin M. Hafez, Mourad A. Ykhlef, Ahmad J. AlShibli, Mourad A. Benchikh. A Decision-Support System for Higher Education, the Saudi Ministry Case Study ' in ' 27th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA-2012) March 12-14, 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ISBN: 978-1-880843-84-0
Mourad Ykhlef and Reem AlQifari. Genetic Algorithm Based optimization for E-auction, IADIS E-Commerce, Rome Italy, 2011.
Mourad Ykhlef. A Powerful Visual Formalism for XML Data. The 12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Application and Services (iiWAS2010). 8-16 December 2010, in Paris, France (ACM proceedings)
Mourad Ykhlef and Sarra Alqahtani. A new Graphical Query Language for Retrieving Telecommunication Data. STS International Conference on Communication Technologies, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia January 18-20, 2010
Mourad Ykhlef, Yousuf Aldukhayyil and Muath Alfawzan. Mining Sequential Patterns in Telecommunication Database Using Genetic Algorithm. STS International Conference on Communication Technologies, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia January 18-20, 2010.
Mourad Ykhlef and Abdulaziz Al-Reshoud. Association mining of Time Series Dependency. The 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Application and Services (iiWAS2009). 14-16 December 2009, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (ACM proceedings)
Mourad Ykhlef and Sarra Alqahtani. GQLX: A new Graphical Query Language for XML Data. The 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Application and Services (iiWAS2009). 14-16 December 2009, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (ACM proceedings)
Mourad Ykhlef and El-Gibreen H. 2009. Mining Sequential Patterns in Pharmacy Database Using Genetic Algorithm. 4th International Conference on Broadband Communication, Information Technology & Biomedical Applications BroadBandCom '09, Wroclaw, Poland.
Mourad Ykhlef, Recursive SQL-like query language for XML, the 9th Internationl conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS 2007), 3-5 Dec 2007, Jakarta
Mourad Ykhlef, Querying Web Forms and Nested Semi-structured Data, the 7th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and services (IIWAS 2005), 19-21 Sept 2005, Malaysia, of Austrian Computer Scoiety Band 196, V 1, pages: 399-411, ISBN:3-85403-196-3
Nicole Bidoit, Sofian Maabout, Mourad Ykhlef, A family of Nested Query Languages for Semi-structured Data, Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systens, First International Symposium, FoIKS Burg, Germany, 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 1762, Springer 2000, pages: 13-30, ISBN 3-540-67100-5 ISI INDEXED
Nicole Bidoit, Sofian Maabout, Mourad Ykhlef, A nested language for querying and integrating semi-structured data (in french), 15th International Conference in Advanced Databases BDA'1999, Bordeaux, France, pages:63-82
Nicole Bidoit, Mourad Ykhlef, Fixpoint Path Queries, International Workshop on the Web and Databases WebDB'1998, in conjunction with EDBT Valencia, Spain, March 1998, pages 56-62
Rachid Belamri, Mohamed Keireddine Kholladi, Mourad Ykhled, Mourad Zeghib, Urban Spatial Analysis for Digital Cartography, International Conference on Signal And Image Processing, Algiers, Algeria Oct 1994