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وسام الجديدي


عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية العلوم
2ب 33
مقال فى مجلة

Complete list of publications

W. Jedidi, H. Sendov, Shen Shan: Classes of completely monotone and Bernstein functions defined by convexity properties of their spectral measures. AIMS Mathematics, 9(5) 11372-11395 (2024).

F. Bouzeffour, W. Jedidi: Generalized Pizzettis formula for Weinstein operator and its applications. Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 15, article number 33 (2024).

F. Bouzeffour, W. Jedidi: On the Big Hartley transform. Integral Transforms and Special Functions,(Q2 Scopus, Q2 JCR), 25(3), 230-239 (2024),  

F. Bouzeffour, W. Jedidi: Fractional Riesz{Feller type derivative for the one dimensional Dunkl operator and Lipschitz condition. Integral Transforms and Special Functions (Q2 Scopus, Q2 JCR), 35(1), 49-60 (2024). 

F. Bouzeffour, W. Jedidi: On the Fractional Dunkl{Laplacian. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, (Q1 Scopus, Q1 JCR), Early access 1-26 (2023).  

N. Altaymani, W. Jedidi: New Monotonicity and Infinite Divisibility Properties for the Mittag-Leffler Function and for Stable Distributions. Mathematics (Q1 Scopus, Q1 JCR), 11, 4141, 1-26 (2023).

R. Aguech, W. Jedidi, O. Selmi: Unbalanced multi-drawing urn with random addition matrix II. International journal of Computer Mathematics, Computer Systems Theory, 8(4), 206-221 (2023).  
S. Bridaa, W. Jedidi and H. Sendov: Generalized unimodality and subordinators, with applications to stable laws and to the Mittag-Leffler function. Journal of Theoretical Probability,  Early access, 1-42 (2023).

W. Jedidi: Regularity of some models associated to jump Markov processes. Open Mathematics (Q2 Scopus, Q2 JCR), 20(1), 911--930 (2022).

F. Bouzeffour, W. Jedidi: Jacobi-type functions defined by fractional Bessel derivatives. Integral Transforms and Special Functions (Q2 Scopus, Q2 JCR), 1--16 (2022).

R. Aguech, W. Jedidi, S. Ilji: Moments of a non-homogenous bivariate fragmentation process using integral equations tools. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences (Q1 Scopus, Q1 JCR), Early view, pp. 1-24 (2022). 

W. Jedidi: Local Asymptotic Normality complexity arising in a parametric statistical L´ evy Model. Complexity (Q2 Scopus, Q2 JCR), (2021). https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/3143324

S. Bridaa, S. Fourati, W. Jedidi: Some new classes and techniques in the theory of Bernstein functions. Chapter book in “A Lifetime of Excursions Through Random Walks and L´ evy Processes, A Volume in Honour of Ron Doneys 80th Birthday”, Progress in Probability, Springer Series 78, 139–155 (2021)

F. Bouzeffour, W. Jedidi: C λ - Extended oscillator algebra and d-orthogonal polynomials. International Journal of Theoretical Physics (Q1 Scopus, Q2 JCR), 60, 756–770 (2021)

W. Jedidi, K. Basalim, S. Bridaa: Three classes of decomposable distributions. Open Mathematics (Q2 Scopus, Q2 JCR), 18, 1855–1878 (2020)

K. Basalim, S. Bridaa, W. Jedidi: Internal Bernstein functions and L´ evy-Laplace exponents. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences (Q1 Scopus, Q1 JCR), Special Issue on Integral Equations and their Applications, 1–11 (2020)

F. Bouzeffour, W. Jedidi: Fractional supersymmetric Hermite polynomials. Polynomials: Theory and Applications, Mathematics (Q1 Scopus, Q1 JCR), 8, 193, 1–13 (2020) F. Bouzeffour, W. Jedidi, M. Garayev: Extended arithmetic functions. The Ramanujan Journal (Q2 Scopus, Q3 JCR), 51, 593–609 (2020).

W. Jedidi, F. Bouzeffour, N. Harthi: Contribution to an open problem of Harkness and Shantaram. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences (Q1 Scopus, Q1 JCR), Special Issue on Integral Equations and their Applications, 1–20 (2020).

R. Aguech, W. Jedidi: New characterizations of completely monotone functions and Bernstein functions, a converse to Hausdorff’s moment characterization theorem. Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Q4 Scopus), 25 (1), 57–82 (2019).

W. Jedidi, S. Vakeroudis: Windings of planar processes, exponential functionals and asian options. Advances in Applied Probability (Q2 Scopus, Q3 JCR), 50, 726–742 (2018) .

W. Jedidi, T. Simon, M. Wang: Density solutions to a class of integro-differential equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Q2 Scopus, Q1 JCR), 458, 134–152 (2018).

A. Iksanov, W. Jedidi, F. Bouzeffour: Functional limit theorems for the number of busy servers in a G/G/∞ queue. Journal of Applied Probability (Q2 Scopus, Q4 JCR), 55, 15–29 (2018).

A. Iksanov, W. Jedidi, F. Bouzeffour: A law of the iterated logarithm for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. Statistics & Probability Letters 126 (Q2 Scopus, Q3 JCR), 244–252 (2017).

F. Bouzeffour, W. Jedidi, N. Chorfi: Jackson’s (−1)-Bessel functions with the Askey-Wilson algebra setting. Advances in Difference Equations (Q1 Scopus, Q1 JCR), 268, 1–13, (2015).

W. Jedidi, T. Simon: Diffusion hitting times and bell-shape. Statistics & Probability Letters (Q2 Scopus, Q3 JCR), 102, 38–41, (2015).

L. Alili, W. Jedidi, V. Rivero: On exponential functionals, harmonic potential measures and undershoots of subordinators. ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. (Q4 Scopus, Q4 JCR), 11 (2), 711–735 (2014).

W. Jedidi: Poisson shot noise traffic model and approximation of significant functionals. Abstract and Applied Analysis (Q2 Scopus, Q1 JCR en 2013), Special Issue, 1–9, (2014).

W. Jedidi, T. Simon: Further examples of GGC and HCM densities. Bernoulli (Q1 Scopus, Q2 JCR), (5A), 1818–1838, (2013).

W. Jedidi, R. McGorman, J. Almhana, V. Choulakian: General shot noise processes and functional convergence to stable processes, Chapter 3. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, Zili, M.; Filatova, D. V. (Eds.), 151–178, vol. 7, Springer-Verlag: Berlin, (2011).

W. Jedidi: Stable processes, mixing, and distributional properties, II. Theory of Probability and its Applications (Q3 Scopus, Q4 JCR), 53 (1), 81–105 (2009) W. Jedidi: Stable processes, mixing, and distributional properties, I. Theory of Probability and its Applications (Q3 Scopus, Q4 JCR), 52 (4), 580–593 (2008).

R. McGorman, J. Almhana, V. Choulakian, Z. Liu, W. Jedidi: Similarities between voice and high speed internet traffic provisioning. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research, IEEE Computer Society, 83–90, (2004).

مزيد من المنشورات

W. Jedidi, H. Sendov, Shen Shan: Classes of completely monotone and Bernstein functions defined by convexity properties of their spectral measures. AIMS Mathematics, 9(5) 11372-11395 (2024).


In this paper we provide some new properties that are complementary to the book
of Schilling-Song-Vondraek

بواسطة S. Bridaa, S. Fourati, W. Jedidi
تم النشر فى:

In this paper, we are interested in two-dimensional fragmentation process that
describes the evolution of an object having a rectangular shape. We focus on a
fragmentation process in…

بواسطة R. Aguech, W. Jedidi, S. Ilji
تم النشر فى:
Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences