341 Medicine
Med Course 341 is the first clinical course for the medical students. It
is a 10 credit hours course of theoretical part (lectures) and clinical
part (bedside teaching). The main objective of the course is
mastering history taking: learning the technique of how do physical
exam and know the physical sings of patients. The course was
taught over 28 week’s period.
THEORETICAL PART: There shall be three lectures per week
covering all the general medicine aspect such as cardiology,
rheumatology, pulmonology, endocrinology, nephrology,
gastroenterology, hematology/oncology, infectious diseases and
neurology given over 84 lectures during 28 weeks.
CLINICAL BEDSIDE TEACHING: There shall two clinical sessions
per week. The teaching consists mainly of basic history taking, basic
technique of different system examinations and definition and
identification of physical sings.
A. Textbook of Medicine
Any one of the following excellent books:
1. Clinical Medicine – A textbook for Medical students and
P.J Kumar and M.L. Clark “Latest Edition”
2. Textbook of Medicine – By Souhami and Moxham
– Latest Edition
3. Davidson’s Principles and Practices of Medicine –
C.R. Edward and Ian, A.D Bonchir
– Latest Edition.
B. Physical Examination
Any one of the following books:
1. A guide to physical examination and history taking, by
Barbara Bates – Latest Edition.
2. Macleod’s Clinical Examination by John Munro and C.
3. Clinical Examination – 2nd Edition by Nicholas Talley
and Simon O’Connor.