Lee Seongkwan Mark, Sangyeon Hong, Donghee Han and et al. (2015). “Introduction to the Transportation Systems in Saudi Arabia and Latin Countries.” Human,…
Lee Seongkwan Mark, “The Foreseen Future of KSA after COVID-19 Pandemic” Invited lecture at the GCC Institute of Dankook University, Seoul, Korea, August 7, 2020.
Amr A. Shokri, Seongkwan M. Lee and Abdullah I. Al-Mansour. “Evaluation of Freeway Ramp Metering Application in Riyadh City using Microsimulation.” in Proceedings of the 3rd…
The course will give students an “overview of concepts” in the traffic operations and control. In lectures, the basic theory and some fundamental theoretical insights will be explained.…
An overview of Microscopic and Macroscopic traffic flow characteristics, and their associated techniques such as traffic Stream modeling, capacity and level of service analysis, shock wave…
Course Objectives
•Formally expose students to the engineering field
•Grasp the values of professionalism, ethics, safety, intellectual property, environment, and…