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Satish Kumar David



كلية الطب
Head of Information Technology, Strategic Center for Diabetes Research. 3rd Floor, Office # 20.
ورقة مؤتمر

Engaging the future research in diabetes and endocrine with creative intelligence

Keynote Speaker

The Future is not tomorrow and next week, the Future is now. According to the World Economic Forum, Creativity is one of the top three skills needed in this Century. Creativity is the Future of every other aspect of life. Every field and sector need Creativity to thrive effectively in the Century. However, the application of Creativity is known as Creative Intelligence. It is a skill that helps you to go beyond the existing to create new and unique ideas, values, situations, solutions, and substance. Creative Intelligence is the combination of Creativity and Intelligence and its help to move your work from the stage of work to competence and from competence to accomplishment. In a scientific world it is imperative that if you are going to accomplish any tangible or significant result or invention you must be willing to move beyond what is obtainable to what is attainable. Creative Intelligence gives you leverage on Scientific Investigations and Discovery. It enables our innermost Creativity to be fully engaged to come up with new inventions that can solve complex or wicked problems in the field of science. Looking at research on Endocrinology and Diabetes, Creative Intelligence helps in research and development concerning finding new and unique solutions to Endocrine and Diabetes related issues. Creative Intelligence helps you in identifying and proffering solutions to complex problems. With various research and findings on Endocrine and Diabetes related issues, engaging Creative Intelligence makes it possible to use its various tools to generate a lasting solution. In conclusion, Creative Intelligence empowers and enables individuals to use their minds to recognize, appreciate and imagine brilliant situations, solutions and values or ideas that can revolutionize any field of interest with emphasizing endocrine and diabetes related issues.

نوع عمل المنشور
موقع المؤتمر
Online Conference
اسم المؤتمر
World Obesity and Weight Management Congress
المنظمة الممولة
Magnus Group Conferences
مزيد من المنشورات


بواسطة Satish Kumar David, Mohamed Rafiullah, Khalid Siddiqui
تم النشر فى:

Extended Abstracts :
Diabetes is a chronic disease that needs patient awareness, education, and self-management of the disease by patients. Mobile
revolution and the availability of IT…

بواسطة Satish Kumar David, Mohamed Rafiullah
تم النشر فى:
Journal of Diabetology Journal of Endocrine Disorders & Surgery Diabetes Management

The Future is not tomorrow and next week, the Future is now. According to the World Economic Forum, Creativity is one of the top three skills needed in this Century. Creativity is the Future of…

بواسطة Satish Kumar David