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كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية

Health Promotion Project Planner for Adjunct Non-Pharmacological Prevention or Alleviation of Depression in Adults with Skin Cancer

Alahmari, Shar . 2012

Australia boasts one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world (Australian Government 2012), with the state of Queensland ranking as the highest. The combination of the extreme heat and fair skin of the majority of the nation's population results in a striking 67% of citizens being diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70. Research (e.g., Kissane, et al., 2008; Yates, et al. 2002) indicates the patients who are diagnosed with skin cancer may experience a number of emotional reactions, with the most common being depression. Worry over the severity of the condition and its respective treatments can result in chronic stress and prolonged states of sadness. Unfortunately, many cases of depression related to skin cancer are left undiagnosed, increasing the rates of alcoholism, prescription medication abuse, and suicide (Baraniak and Sheffield 2011; Lossnitzer, et al. 2012). Health experts agree that the most effective means of treating depression is through psychotherapeutic behavioural interventions that train stress-coping mechanisms and positive thinking patterns. Therefore, it is essential that depression and stress coping interventions are made accessible to citizens with skin cancer before more chronic symptoms set in.

نوع عمل المنشور
مدينة النشر
نوع الفرضية
Health Promotion Project Planner
University of Sydney
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