Tooth implant prosthesis using ultra low power and low cost crystalline carbon bio-tooth sensor with hybridized data acquisition algorithm
HassanFouad, SajithVellappally, Abdulaziz A.Al Kheraif, Darshan DevangDivakar, Santhosh Basavarajappa, Sukumaran Anil, . 2019
This paper proposes a tiny ultralow-power and low-cost tooth sensor with hybridized data processing algorithm for monitoring implant tooth implant prosthesis performance. In general micro displacement or any fatal damages in prosthesis tooth implant leads to various metabolic alterations in the body. This tiny ultra-low power and low-cost crystalline carbon bio-tooth sensor has been placed on tooth platform to monitor mouth and tooth bio-chemical nature which leads to check the prosthesis volume and its structural modification instantaneously in turn helps doctors to observe the metabolic alterations in the body. This wireless system has data loggers with hardware and software power-saving modes for ultra-lower application for reducing sensor idle state condition has been monitored using a hybridized acquisition algorithm. Clinical Trials of the lab-scale experimental analysis equipped with data logger device are analyzed on 15 patients on various factors such as noise factor, power consumption, accuracy, efficiency, stability and sensitivity of the sensor output characteristic has been recorded.
Aim of the study: The aim of this laboratory study was to evaluate the effect of ethanol treatment on the surface roughness (Sa), nano-mechanical properties (NMP) and surface…
This paper proposes a tiny ultralow-power and low-cost tooth sensor with hybridized data processing algorithm for monitoring implant tooth implant prosthesis performance. In general micro…