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د. سامح أحمد رفعت

Associate Professor

Associate Professsor

كلية السياحة والآثار
مبنى 11 كلية السياحة والآثار - الدور الثانى- مكتب S 131

شهادة التقدير من سعادة د. سلطان المطيرى مدير مركز البحوث بكلية السياحة والآثار 2023

This certificate is presented to Prof. Sameh A. Refaat in recognition of his outstanding contributions to Tourism & Archelogy Faculty Research Center.

Prof. Sameh A. Refaat has consistently demonstrated a dedication to excellence in research and has made significant contributions to our understanding of prehistorical studies and anthropology. His participation in courses and events has helped to enrich the educational experience of our young researchers and colleagues.

We are grateful for Prof. Sameh A. Refaat's commitment to advancing knowledge in his field, and for the time and effort he has devoted to supporting the mission of our research center.


Director of Tourism & Archelogy Faculty Research Center

Sultan Almutery – Assistant Professor of Cultural Heritage Management

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