Industrial Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Saud
University, Saudi Arabia, and Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering, Helwan University, Egypt. He received his PhD in Industrial
Engineering from University of Houston, TX, USA, in 2005. His current
research focuses on CAD, CAM, rapid prototyping, advanced manufacturing
systems, supply chain management and collaborative engineering.
Emad Abouel Nasr
College of Engineering
Industrial Engineering Department, King Saud University
Date of Birth: 14 - 4- 1969
Professor, Industrial Engineering Division
Faculty of Engineering-Helwan
Mechanical Engineering Department
Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt
Phone: +2 01001419657
- Ph.D., University of Houston, Department of Industrial Engineering, Houston, TX, USA, 2005.
Dissertation Title: A Feature-Based Methodology for Integrating
Design and Manufacturing, GPA: (4.0/4.0).
- M.SC., University of Helwan, Cairo, Egypt, Department of Production Engineering, 1997.
Thesis Title: Development of a Heuristic Technique to Solve
Sequencing Problems with Limited Buffer Storage
- B.S., University of Helwan, Cairo, Egypt, Department of Production
Engineering, 1992. GPA: ranked at the top 1st place of the whole school.
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, King Saud University, 2012-present.
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, King Saud University, 2013- present.
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, King Saud University, 2010-2012.
- Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering-Helwan, Mechanical Engineering Department, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, 2006-2010.
- Instructor, American University in Cairo (AUC), Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Fall 2009- present.
- Instructor, Misr University for Science and Technology, Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, Fall 2009- present.
- Instructor, Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical and production Department, Academic Year 2008-2009.
- Instructor, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), Faculty of Engineering, Industrial systems Engineering Department, Summer 2007- present.
- Instructor, Canadian International Collage (CIC), Faculty of Engineering, Manufacturing Department, Fall 2007- present.
- Research Assistant, Industrial Engineering, University of Houston, TX, USA, (2001- 2006).
- Teaching Assistant, Industrial Engineering, University of Houston, TX, USA, (Fall 2004 – 2005).
- Lecturer, Production Engineering, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, 1997 – 2001.
- Instructor, Production Engineering, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, 1993 – 1997.
- Training Internships at Arab British Company for Dynamic Industries, Cairo, Egypt, 1990.
- Training Internships at Egypt Air Company, Cairo, Egypt, 1990.
- Training Internships at Jacob Delfon Company, Cairo, Egypt, 1997.
- Advanced Manufacturing Systems
- Lean and Agile Manufacturing
- Product Design Life Cycle
- Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Operation Research
- Systems Engineering
- Cellular Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Systems (KSU)
- Engineering Management (KSU)
- Maintenance and Reliability (KSU)
- Statistical Process Control
- Reliability and Quality Control.
- Maintenance Planning and Control
- Production Planning and Control.
- Engineering Economics.
- Engineering Statistics.
- Work Analysis and Design
- Product Design and innovation
- Industrial Facility Design
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Operations Research.
- Experimental Design.
- Advanced Engineering Statistics.
- Simulation
- Manufacturing Processes.
- Computer Aided Manufacturing.
- Integrated Product Design.
- Modern Manufacturing Systems.
- Work Study and productivity enhancement
- Quality Control in Electrical Products
- Maintenance and Reliability
- Production Planning and Control
- Reliability and Failure Analysis
- Project Cycle Management
- Supply Chain Management.
- The Five Keys to Total Quality Environment (5 S)
- Ali K. Kamrani and Emad Abouel Nasr (Editors), Rapid Prototyping: Theory and Practice, Springer, 2006.
- Emad Abouel Nasr and Ali K. Kamrani, Computer-based Design and Manufacturing: An Information-Based Approach, Springer, 2007.
- Ali K. Kamrani and Emad Abouel Nasr (Editors), Collaborative Engineering: Theory and Practice, Springer, 2008.
- Ali K. Kamrani and Emad Abouel Nasr, Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping, Springer, 2010.
- Adulaziz M. El-Tamimi, Emad Abouel Nasr, and Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari, Introduction to Manufacturing System Design and Analysis: Concepts and Approaches, Springer, 2012 (In Progress)
- Emad Abouel Nasr, and Ali K. Kamrani, “IGES Standard Protocol for Feature Recognition CAD System” Rapid Prototyping: Theory and Practice, 2005.
- Emad Abouel Nasr and Ali K. Kamrani, “Intelligent Design and Manufacturing”, Collaborative Engineering: Theory and Practice, Springer, 2008.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari, Ali Kamrani, Osama Abdulhameed, "A semi-integration system of CAD and Inspection planning of Standard Manufactured Features", New Product Design: New Strategies for Reengineering, Taylor and Francis, 2013.
- Abdulaziz M. El-Tamimi, Emad S. Abouel Nasr, Mustufa H. Abid, “Selection of Parameters for CAD-VR Data Translation”, "New Product Design: New Strategies for Reengineering, Taylor and Francis, 2013.
- Maryam azimi, Emad Abouel Nasr, and Ali Kamrani, “Tumor Geometrical Deformation Modeling”, New Product Design: New Strategies for Reengineering, Taylor and Francis, 2013.
- Nasr, E. S. A.; Al-Ahmari, A.; Moiduddin, K. CAD Issues in Additive Manufacturing, In Comprehensive Materials Processing; Masood, S., Ed.; Elsevier Ltd., Vol. 10, pp. 375-399, 2014.
- YiFan Hou, Zhiwu Li, Abdulrahman M. Al-Ahmari, Abdulaziz Mohammed El-Tamimi, and Emad S. Abouel Nasr, "Extended Elementary Siphons and Their Application to Liveness-Enforcement of Generalized Petri Nets", Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 16, Issue 6, pp. 1789–1810, 2014.
- Awais Khan, Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmarin, "Independent CAPP System for Prismatic Parts", International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, 2014 (In print)
- Xiaoliang Chen, Zhiwu Li and Naiqi Wu, Abdulrahman M. Al-Ahmari, Abdulaziz Mohammed El-Tamimi, and Emad S. Abouel Nasr, “Confusion avoidance for discrete event systems by P/E constraints and supervisory control”, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information; 2014 (In print)
- Ali Kamrani, Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari, Osama Abdulhameed, Syed Hammad Mian, “Feature-Based Design Approach for Integrated CAD and Computer-Aided Inspection Planning”, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014 (In print)
- A. Al-Ahmari, A.A. Khan, E.A. Nasr, A. Kamrani, "An Automatic Fixture Design System For Creating Prismatic Parts", South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 25(3), pp 69-83, November 2014.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari, Ali Kamrani, Awais Khan, "An Automatic Fixture Modeling System Using Search Strategy", Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2014, (In print)
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Ashraf Afify, Mohammed Osman, Soha Abd Elatty, "Scheduling Flow Shop Manufacturing Systems Considering Agility Issues", International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 2205-230, 2014.
- Emad. S. Abouel Nasr, H.M.A. Hussein, Adham E. Ragab, Ali K. Kamrani, "A Feature-Based Approach To An Integrated CAD/CAPP System In Sheet Metal Blanking Dies", International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, Vol. 4, No. 2/3/4, pp. 90-118, 2014.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Al-Ahmari, Abdurahman Mushabab; Alkhawashki, Hazem; Altamimi, Abdulsalam; Alkhuraisi, Mohammed, "Developing A Methododlgy for Anylasis and Manufacturing of Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) joint using Rapid Prototyping Technique", Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2014, (In print)
- Hussein M.A. Hussein, Wang J. Fengyin, Emad S. Abouel Nasr, "Development of a Generic Method for recognizing 2D Shapes in a CAD system", Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(1), pp. 358-369, January 2014.
- Qi Wang, Zhiwu Li, Anrong Wang, Abdulrahman M. Al-Ahmari, Abdul-Aziz Mohammed El-Tamimi, Emad Abouel Nasr, "A versatile supervisor with one monitor based on macro-tokens", The IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, Vol. 31, pp. 245–256, 2014.
- Haitham A. Mahmoud, Mohammed H. Hassan, Emad S. Abouel Nasr, "Developing a hybrid genetic algorithm solution to optimise multi-echelon supply chains", International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 287-312, 2013.
- Mustufa Haider Abidi, Abdulaziz M. El-Tamimi, Abdulrahman M. Al-Ahmari, Emad S. Abouel Nasr, "Assessment and comparison of immersive virtual assembly training system", International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 266-283, 2013.
- Xiao-liang Chen, Zhi-wu Li, Abdulrahman M. Al-Ahmari, Abdulaziz Mohammed El-Tamimi, Emad S. Abouel Nasr, "Confusion Diagnosis And Control Of Discrete Event Systems Using Synchronized Petri Nets", Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 15, Issue 6, pp. 1736–1751, 2013.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, “A Methodology for Integrating CAD and Automatic Inspection of Standard Manufactured Features”, International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 70-88, 2012.
- Hisham Al-Mubaid, Emad S. Abouel Nasr and Mohammed Hussein, "A methodology for mining material properties with unsupervised learning", International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.237-252, 2009.
- Bahram A., Mokhtar A., Mohammad H., Ali K., and Emad Abouel Nasr, "An Overview On Five Approaches For Translating CAD Data Into Manufacturing Information", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 89–114, 2009.
- Ali K. Kamrani and Emad Abouel Nasr, “Product Design and Development Framework in Collaborative Engineering Environment”, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 85-92, 2008.
- Mahammad Aloudat, Ali K. Kamrani, and Emad Abouel Nasr, “Cellular Manufacturing Performance Improvement Using Data Mining Techniques”, International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS), Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 387-405, 2008.
- Hesham Al-Mubid, Emad Abouel Nasr, and Ali K. Kamrani, “Using Data Mining in the Manufacturing Systems for CAD Model Analysis and Classification”, International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (IJASM), Vol. 3, No. 1/2, pp. 147-162, 2008.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, and Ali K. Kamrani, “A New Methodology For Extracting Manufacturing Features From CAD System”, International Journal of Computer and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 51, pp. 389-415, 2006.
National & International
- Abouel Nasr, E. S., Abd El-Aal, R.M.S., and Etman, M.E., New Approach for Flow Sequencing Problems with Buffer Storage Constrains, Proceeding of the PEDAAC, 6th International Conference on Production Engineering Design and Control, Alexandria, Egypt, 1997, pp. 831-840.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Abhay Vijayan, and Ali Kamrani, A Feature Based Approach For Integrated Product Design and Process planning, 34th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, San Francisco, California, November 2004.
- Abhay Vijayan, Emad Abouel Nasr and Ali Kamrani, Template Based Integrated Design: A Cased Study, 34th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), San Francisco, California, November, 2004.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, and Ali Kamrani, An Object Oriented Approach To Extract Manufacturing Features For CAM Applications, 16th Annual Conference of POMS, Chicago, IL, USA, April 29 - May 2, 2005.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, and Ali Kamrani, Developing a new Methodology for integrating Design and Manufacturing, IIE Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, May 20-24, 2006.
- Hisham Al-Mubaid, Emad Abouel Nasr, Data Mining Based Approach for Feature Analysis in the Manufacturing Systems, 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Alexandria, Egypt, October, 2007.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Ali Kamrani, A Feature Interaction Approach for CAM Applications, 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Alexandria, Egypt, October 2007.
- Gad El Mola, K. M. and Emad S. Abouel Nasr, Typology and Important Characteristics of Manufacturing Performance Measurement, Proceedings of the 9th Cairo University International Conference on Mechanical Design and Production, Cairo, Egypt, 8-10 January, 2008.
- Emad Abouel Nasr and Hisham Al-Mubaid, Mining Process Control Data Using Machine Learning, 39th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Troyes, France, July 6 to July 8, 2009.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Soha Abd Elatty, and Mohammed Osman. Measuring Agility Index Using System Flexibility and Response, 22th Annual Conference of POMS, April 29 - May 2, Reno, Nevada, USA, 2011
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari, Ali Kamrani, Osama Abdulhameed. Developing An Integrated System for CAD and Inspection Planning, 41th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Los Angeles, California, USA, 23-26 October, 2011.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari, Ali Kamrani, Awais Ahmad Khan. An integrated System for Automatic Computer Aided Fixture Design. 41th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Los Angeles, California, USA, 23-26 October, 2011.
- Emad S. Abouel Nasr, Mustufa H. Abidi, Abdulaziz M. El-Tamimi, Abdulrahman M. Al-Ahmari, “Virtual Assembly in a Semi-Immersive Environment”, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (ICIESM 2013), Barcelona, February 2013.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari, Ali Kamrani, Osama Abdulhameed, “Automatic Execution of Inspection Plan for Prismatic Parts in online Manufacturing Systems”, IIE Annual conference, Puerto Rico, Volume 4, pp. 2708-2717, 2013.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari, Ali Kamrani , Awais Khan , “An Object Oriented Approach to CAPP-CAFP System for Prismatic Parts”, IIE Annual conference, Puerto Rico, Volume 4, pp. 2728-2737, 2013.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman AI-Ahmari, Osama Abdulhameed, Syed Hammad Mian, "Set up planning for automatic generation of inspection plan", International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing (SIM 2013), Lisbon, Portugal, 26-29 June, 2103.
- Abdulrahman AI-Ahmari, Emad Abaue! Nasr, Awais A. Khan, Ali Kamrani, "Intelligent fixture planning system for prismatic parts", International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing (SIM 2013), Lisbon, Portugal, 26-29 June, 2103.
- H.M.A. Hussein, Emad Abaue! Nasr, Awis Khan, "Automated feature extraction from cylindrical parts based on STEP", International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing (SIM 2013), Lisbon, Portugal, 26-29 June, 2103.
- E. Abouel Nasr, K. Gad El Mola and A. El-Tamimi, “An Effective Green Supply Chain at Energy Production”, CIE43 Proceedings, 16-18 October, The University of Hong Kong, 2013.
- K. Gad El Mola, E. Abouel Nasr and A. El-Tamimi, “Spare Parts Management By Using Analytic Hierarchy Process”, CIE43 Proceedings, 16-18 October, The University of Hong Kong, 2013
- E. S. Abouel Nasr, A. A. Khan, A. M. Alahmari, H. M. A. Hussein, "A Feature Recognition System using Geometric Reasoning", International Conference on Manufacture of Lightweight Components – ManuLight 2014, 4th April, Dortmund, Germany, Procedia CIRP 18, pp. 238 – 2 43, 2014.
- Mustufa H. Abidi, Ibrahim Al Harkan, Abdulaziz M. El Tamimi, A.M. Al Ahmari, Emad S. Abouel Nasr, "Ant Colony Optimization for Job Shop Scheduling to Minimize the Total Weighted Tardiness", IIE Annual Conference, Montréal, Canada, 2014.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari, Hazem Alkhawashki, Abdulsalam Altamimi, Mohammed Alkhuraisi, Karem Ismai, " A Prospective Finite Element Analysis of Proximal Interphalangeal Joint", IIE Annual Conference, Montréal, Canada, 2014
- Awais A. Khan, Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman AlAhmari, Osama Abdulhameed, Mustufa H. Abidi, "An Integrated CAPP/CAFD/CAIP System for Prismatic Parts", IIE Annual Conference, Montréal, Canada, 2014.
- Abdulaziz M El-Tamimi, Emad Abouel Nasr, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari, Zhiwu Li, Husam Kaid, “Evaluation of Deadlock Control Designs in Automated Manufacturing Systems”, Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, UAE, March 3–5, 2015.
- Abdulrahman Al –Ahmari, Emad Abouel Nasr, Ali Kamrani, Mohammed Alkindi, Khaja Moiduddin, "Digital Design and Fabrication of Customized Mandible Implant", Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, UAE, March 3–5, 2015.
- Ali Kamrani, Maryam Azimi, Emad Abouel Nasr, "Geometrical Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Head and Neck Tumors", Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, UAE, March 3–5, 2015.
- Chief in Editors: International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise
- Guest Editors: International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Special Issue on: “Computer Based Design and Manufacturing”, (2008).
- Guest Editors: International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (IJASM), Special Issue on: "Complexity in Manufacturing" (2008).
- Guest Editors: International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, Special Issue on: "Data Mining and Knowledge Managements" (2009).
- Guest Editors: International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, Special Issue on: "Lean Manufacturing" (2009).
- Guest Editors: International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise, Special Issue on: "Reverse Engineering" (2010).
- Guest Editors: International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, Special Issue on: "Rapid Manufacturing in Medical Application" (2010).
Review Papers
- International Journal of Production Research (IJPR)
- International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), San Francisco, California, November 2004.
- International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Troyes, France, July 6 to July 8, 2009.
- International Journal of advanced manufacturing Technology
AutoCAD Factory CAD Windows XP
Word, Excel Power Point C and C++
- Emad Abouel Nasr: Paper presented in 16th Annual Conference of POMS, April 29 - May 2, 2005, Chicago, IL.
- Emad Abouel Nasr: Paper presented in 34th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), San Francisco, California, November, 2004.
- Emad Abouel Nasr: Paper presented in 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Alexandria, Egypt, October, 2007.
- Emad Abouel Nasr: Paper presented in 9th Cairo University International Conference on Mechanical Design and Production, Cairo, Egypt, 8-10 January, 2008.
- Emad Abouel Nasr: Paper presented in 39th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Troyes, France, July 6 to July 8, 2009.
- Emad Abouel Nasr. Measuring Agility Index Using System Flexibility and Response, Paper presented in 22th Annual Conference of POMS, April 29 - May 2, Reno, Nevada, USA, 2011
- Emad Abouel Nasr. Developing An Integrated System for CAD and Inspection Planning, 41th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Los Angeles, California, USA, 23-26 October, 2011.
- Emad Abouel Nasr. An integrated System for Automatic Computer Aided Fixture Design. 41th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Los Angeles, California, USA, 23-26 October, 2011.
- Emad S. Abouel Nasr, “Virtual Assembly in a Semi-Immersive Environment”, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (ICIESM 2013), Barcelona, February 2013.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, “Automatic Execution of Inspection Plan for Prismatic Parts in online Manufacturing Systems”, IIE Annual conference, Puerto Rico, 2013.
- Emad Abouel Nasr, “An Object Oriented Approach to CAPP-CAFP System for Prismatic Parts”, IIE Annual conference, Puerto Rico, 2013.
Doctor of Philosophy
- Awais Ahmad Khan: An Integrated System for Automatic Computer Aided Fixture Design. College of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, King Saud University, (2012-2014).
Masters in IE
- Soha Abd Elatty: Scheduling Flow shops Manufacturing Systems Considering Agility Issues. Faculty of Engineering-Helwan, Mechanical Engineering Department, Helwan University, (2009-2011).
- Osama Abdulhameed: Developing An Integrated System for CAD and Inspection Planning. College of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, King Saud University (2012-2013).
- Alpha Pi Mu (Industrial Engineering Honor Society)
- Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE)
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)