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أستاذ الكيمياء الحيوية/نائب رئيس جامعة الملك سعود للشؤون التعليمية والأكاديمية/مشرف كرسي المؤشرات الحيوية للأمراض المزمنة

كلية العلوم
2أ51 مبنى كلية العلوم رقم 5
مقال فى مجلة

Decreasing prevalence of the full metabolic syndrome but a persistently high prevalence of dyslipidemia among adult Arabs

Chrousos, Nasser M Al-Daghri 1, Omar S Al-Attas, Majed S Alokail, Khalid M Alkharfy, Shaun Louie B Sabico, George P . 2010


A decade has passed since metabolic syndrome (MetS) was documented to be highly prevalent in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. No follow-up epidemiologic study was done. This study aims to fill this gap. In this cross-sectional, observational study, a total of 2850 randomly selected Saudi adults aged 18-55 years were recruited. Subjects' information was generated from a database of more than 10,000 Saudi citizens from the existing Biomarkers Screening in Riyadh Program (RIYADH Cohort), Saudi Arabia. Anthropometrics included body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, as well as waist and hip circumferences. Fasting blood glucose and lipid profile were determined using routine laboratory procedures. The definition of ATP-III (NHANES III) was used for the diagnosis of the full MetS. The overall prevalence of complete MetS was 35.3% [Confidence-Interval (CI) 33.5-37.01]. Age-adjusted prevalence according to the European standard population is 37.0%. Low HDL-cholesterol was the most prevalent of all MetS risk factors, affecting 88.6% (CI 87.5-89.7) and hypertriglyceridemia the second most prevalent, affecting 34% (CI 32.3-35.7) of the subjects. The prevalence of the full MetS decreased from previous estimates but remains high, while dyslipidemia remains extremely high, affecting almost 90% of middle-aged Arabs. Screening for dyslipidemia among Saudi adults is warranted, especially among those most at risk. Scientific inquiry into the molecular causes of these manifestations should be pursued as a first step in the discovery of etiologic therapies.

نوع عمل المنشور
رقم المجلد
رقم الانشاء
PLoS One
مزيد من المنشورات


بواسطة Kaiser Wani 1 2, Balvir Kumar 2, Nasser M Al-Daghri 1, Shaun Sabico 1


بواسطة Dara Aldisi # 1, Shaun Sabico # 2, Abeer Almiman 2, Amani Al-Farraj 1, Taghreed A Basaeed 1, Kaiser Wani 2, Syed D Hussain 2, Mohammed G A Ansari 2, Philip G McTernan 3, Nasser M Al-Daghri 2


بواسطة Hibah A Farhan 1, Fatimah A A Al-Ghannam 1, Kaiser Wani 1, Malak N K Khattak 1, Abdullah M Alnaami 1, Mona G Alharbi 1, Abir A Alamro 1, Shaun Sabico 1, Nasser M Al-Daghri 1