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د. نسرين بنت سلامه بن سليم الطويرش

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

اللغات وعلومها
Building 4/ 2nd Floor Office no.26
مقال فى مجلة

Metacognitive Listening Strategies Used by Saudi University L2 Successful Learners

This paper reports on the metacognitive listening strategies used by second language successful learners when listening to a text in English. It is part of a larger study where 82 students were surveyed in regards to metacognitive listening strategies using the Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ). Three successful listeners from among the 82 students volunteered to take part in the verbal reports (think-aloud protocols) in an attempt to uncover the metacognitive listening strategies this group of learners uses. The research question I sought to answer was: What are the metacognitive strategies that successful level four female Saudi students at the College of Languages and Translation at King Saud University report using while listening to a text in English? Results indicated that when listening in English, this group of learners use problem-solving and directed attention strategies more often than other types of metacognitive strategies.

مزيد من المنشورات

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This paper reports on the metacognitive listening strategies used by second language successful learners when listening to a text in English. It is part of a larger study where 82 students were…


The main intent of the present study is to investigate the metacognitive listening strategies used by female Saudi students at the College of Languages & Translation (henceforth COLT) at King…