تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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د. نائف الغامدي Dr. Naif Alghamdi

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس Faculty member

كلية العمارة والتخطيط
Building No. 32, 2nd Floor , Office No. 2105



Google Scholar profile reached 100 citations Naif Alghamdi's Google Scholar Profile:…

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

مرحبًا بكم في الموقع الإلكتروني للدكتور نائف بن علي بن عبدالرحمن المرشد الغامدي  
Welcome to Dr. Naif Alghamdi's Personal Web-page

ORCiD iD (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2901-724X)
Web of Science Researcher ID: B-8410-2014
Scopus Author ID 57192873383

المزيد ...


This study explores the transformation of Riyadh’s architectural landscape in the 1950s, a pivotal decade for Saudi Arabia marked by rapid urbanization and cultural integration.

بواسطة N. Alghamdi, A. Alzahrani, F. Alotaibi, F. Alosaimi, A. Ajlan, M. Alkudaywi, M.M. Alnaim
تم النشر فى:
King Saud University

This paper’s primary goal is to propose a methodological strategy to document and protect modern heritage buildings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This is essential because these structures are part of…

بواسطة Naif Alghamdi *, Mohammed Mashary Alnaim, Fahad Alotaibi, Abdulaziz Alzahrani, Faisal Alosaimi, Ali Ajlan, Yazeed A Alkhudhayri, Abdullah Alshethri
تم النشر فى:

The main purpose of this research is to address three important questions concerning sustainability reporting in universities: what to report, why reporting is necessary, and how reporting should…

بواسطة N Alghamdi
تم النشر فى:
Springer International Publishing AG

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


Graduation Project (2) The course implements what has been developed in the previous course of Graduation Project (1), in great details of elements of the architectural project. Students…


Graduation Project #1: Course description This course focuses on both theoratical and practical analyses according to the nature of the selected project by…


Course Description: This studio focuses on the form and function of buildings. Beside, it emphasises on developing the students architectural skills. Two projects…

الساعات المكتبية

Saturday الأحد الاثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة
من _ 09:30 AM 09:30 AM _ 09:30 AM 09:30 AM _
الى _ 10:00 AM 10:00 AM _ 10:00 AM 10:00 AM _
الموقع _ Building No. 32, 2nd Floor , Office No. 2105 Building No. 32, 2nd Floor , Office No. 2105 Building No. 32, 2nd Floor , Office No. 2105 Building No. 32, 2nd Floor , Office No. 2105 _ Building No. 32, 2nd Floor , Office No. 2105 Building No. 32, 2nd Floor , Office No. 2105 Building No. 32, 2nd Floor , Office No. 2105 Building No. 32, 2nd Floor , Office No. 2105 _