تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Assistant Professor

Chairman of Software Engineering Department

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Building No. 31, Software Engineering Department, Office No. 2116 | د. محمد بن فهد الحامد
مقال فى مجلة

False-Alarm Detection in the Fog-Based Internet of Connected Vehicles

One of the serious security breaches that threatens today's smart technologies is the broadcasting of false alarms. These alarms may severely affect road management systems. Vehicular networks suffer from this type of threat because of the opacity and the on-purpose broadcasting of false contents which occur frequently. Modern cloud-fog communication architectures force the organization of hierarchical communications, resulting in more robust governance of disseminated contents. This paper proposes a prediction technique that is based on a binary classification using hidden Markov model (HMM). Our contribution in this research area are as follows: 1) modeling fog data features to enforce organization of communication, 2) proposing a technique for the automatic modeling of HMM parameters, which facilitate the precise prediction of false contents, and 3) proposing a dissemination algorithm for fast communication. We conducted several experiments to measure and compare the performance of the proposed model with the state-of-the-art classification algorithms. We also performed a misuse analysis to measure the ability of our proposed model to detect false alarms in synthesis and real-world datasets. In addition, we conducted some further analysis to demonstrate the sensitivity of our methodology to cutoff points. The results showed that our HMM-based technique provides promising prediction accuracy and significantly outperforms existing classification techniques in detecting false-alarm contents.

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