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محمد بن عبدالرحمن العمر


أستاذ الكيمياء الصيدلانية

كلية الصيدلة
كلية الصيدلة مبنى 23 - 2A 129


Feb 2025

Dear students of 212 PHRM, 325 PHRM, 415 PHRM, 424 PRM, 485 PHRM PHRM and 261 PHTR ;…

مجالات الخبره

A) Areas of experience and achievements in  Pharmaceutical Industry:

  1. Ability to analysis opportunities that make a successful pharma company (> 1.4 billion SR annual revenue for the new opportunities).
  2. Comprehensive overview of the business development process in the pharma-classical/biotech medicines (Roche and Pfizer biopharma).
  3. Steer and direct manufacturing operations that generate 96 M SR net profit in 2020in SPIMACO Corp. by only changing the suppliers of some raw materials (API and Excipients).
  4. Power points in the pharma industrial: resource allocation, Just-in-Time (JIT) production and Policy / Procedure Development which result in a 30% improvement in efficiency (OEE) of SPIMACO plant during 2019/2020.
  5. Process reengineering leads to cost reduction / avoidance as recognized by SPIMACO and Tabuk pharma company performance.
  6. Manage pharmaceutical manufacturing processes from raw materials (APIs, SFG, excipients and packaging) to finish products (FDF).
  7. Knowhow in product Life Cycle Management to remain competitive in the market.
  8. Start-up pharmaceutical factory from blueprint to commissioning e.g., SPIMACO high potent factory (Oncology); 2018-2021 and Kinnova Industry facility; 2022-2025.


B) Pharma and Non-Pharma EXPERIENCE:

  1. General Manager for Credential Authentication/Accreditation in Ministry of Education 2021-2023
  2. Supervisor and founder for the Scientific Chair named "Drug Exploration and Development" since KSU-2010- up to 2020.
  3. General Manager SPIMACO ADDWAEIH 2018-2021.
  4. Plant Director Tabuk pharmaceutical Company from 2017-2018.
  5. Consultant for SFDA-Executive Directorate of Product Evaluation & Standard Setting since 2009-2017.
  6. Long experience in pharmaceutical regulations and industrial inspection from 2007-2023.
  7. Team leaders in the Auditing programmer for pharmaceutical factories during last 7 years in SFDA (more than 15 inspection visits (e.g., Brazil, Argentina, France, Italy, Estonia, Uruguay, Netherlands, Russia, Hungary, Spain …. etc.).
  8. Chairman of Veterinary drugs committee for drugs and company’s registration in SFDA from 2009- 2017.
  9. Member in Medical Employment Classification -Ministry of civil Service (HRM) 2017- 2018.
  10. Member of Certificate Accreditation Committee in Ministry of High Education since 2008 up to 2017.
  11. Chairman of Pharm. Chem. Dept.- College of Pharmacy, KSU-during 2008-.2010.
  12. Member of Chemical & Pollution Protection Committee (CPPC) at King Saud University from 2010- 2017. 
  13. Tech. Transfer projects leader with:
  1. Pfizer Audit USA Global Auditor miscellaneous products.
  2. AstraZeneca audit France, UK and Global Auditors for oncology medicine and Nexium.
  3. GlaxoSmithKline for penicillin and paracetamol products.
  4. Eli Lilly and Company.
  5. Roche Switzerland for biotechnology project Tec transfer.

For more information please contact me on malomar1@ksu.edu.sa


المزيد ...

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


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الساعات المكتبية

Saturday الأحد الاثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة
من _ _ 10:00 AM _ _ 10:00 AM _
الى _ _ 01:00 PM _ _ 01:00 PM _
الموقع _ _ 2 A 137 or 2 A 129 Building 23 2 A 137 or 2 A 129 Building 23 _ _ 2 A 137 or 2 A 129 Building 23 2 A 137 or 2 A 129 Building 23 _