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أستاذ الكيمياء الصيدلانية

كلية الصيدلة
كلية الصيدلة مبنى 23 - 2A 129
مادة دراسية

PHTR 261

This 1-credit course is intended to introduce students to a pharmacist’s roles in various practice settings. Topics include but are not limited to: communication with patients and other pharmacists/health care providers, patient education, patient care processes, and ethical/legal/professional behavior. In terms of methodology, the course utilizes a combination of didactic, simulation, and experiential learning. The experiential component includes observation, application of current learnings, feedback, and assessment at the practice site.

Two main activities during this training course:

1- Reflection Sheet:


Upon completion of this activity, the student should be able to:

1) Explain his/her assigned topic, event, or experience

2) Understand goals of the assigned activity

3) Assess what was effective and ineffective about the activity

4) Express his/her opinion of the activity in writing Student work:

Each student is required to submit a narrative reflection paper 1-2 pages in length (as indicated in the above checklist). Here is an example of a set of questions one might answer while writing a reflection on the “Observation of Medication Counseling with a Real Patient” experience: 1) What was observed? (Describe the experience) 2) What was effective and ineffective about the counseling experience? (Analyze the process) 3) For parts of the experience deemed ineffective, how could they be improved? (Action to improve), please read the course manual.


2- Medication History with a Relative:

Objectives: Upon completion of this activity, the student should be able to:

1) Apply communication skills with patients

2) Demonstrate empathy and respect for patient values and preferences

3) Collect and document comprehensive patient medical information from a relative

4) Exhibit professional behavior Student Work: Each student will obtain medication history from a relative using the pharmacist patient database form as indicated the course manual.


ملحقات المادة الدراسية