تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Maher A. Alhossaini

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Computer Science Department

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Building 31, office 2182
تم النشر فى:

Remodeling Planning Domains Using Macro Operators and Machine Learning

Alhossaini, Maher . 2013

Automated Planning Macro Operators Learning Remodelling

The thesis of this dissertation is that automating domain remodeling in AI planning using macro operators and making remodeling more flexible and applicable can improve the planning performance and can enrich planning. In this dissertation, we present three novel ideas: (1) we present an instance-specific domain remodeling framework, (2) we recast the planning domain remodeling with macros as a parameter optimization problem, and (3) we combine two domain remodeling approaches in the instance-specific remodeling context. In the instance-specific domain remodeling, we choose the best macro-augmented domain model for every incoming problem instance using a predictor that relies on previously solved problem instances to estimate the macros to be added the domain. Training the predictor is achieved off-line based on the observed relation between the instance features and the planner performance in the macro-augmented domain models. On-line, the predictor is used to find the best remodeling of the domain based on the problem instance features. Our empirical results over a number of standard benchmark planning domains demonstrate that our predictors can speed up the fixed-remodeling method that chooses the best set of macros by up to 2.5 times. The results also show that there is a large room for improving the performance using instance-specific over fixed remodeling approaches. The second idea is recasting the domain remodeling with macros as a parameter optimization. We show that this remodeling approach can outperform standard macro learning tools, and that it can significantly speed up the domain evaluation preprocessing required to train the predictors in instance-specific remodeling, while maintaining similar performance. The final idea applies macro addition and operator removal to the instance-specific domain remodeling. While maintaining an acceptable probability of solubility preservation, we build a predictor that adds macros and removes original operators based on the instance’s features. The results show that this new remodeling significantly outperforms the macro-only fixed remodeling, and that it is better than the fixed domain models in a number of domains.

نوع عمل المنشور
مدينة النشر
University of Toronto
مزيد من المنشورات

The thesis of this dissertation is that automating domain remodeling in AI planning using macro operators and making remodeling more flexible and applicable can improve the planning performance…

بواسطة Maher Alhossaini