المنشورات مقال فى مجلة Alotaibi, K.D., J.J. Schoenau, X. Hao. 2015. Crop and Soil Responses to Fertilization with Distillers' Grains Derived Manure in a Saskatchewan Soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (In press). مزيد من المنشورات Alotaibi, K.D., J.J. Schoenau, X. Hao. 2015. Crop and Soil Responses to Fertilization with Distillers' Grains Derived Manure in a Saskatchewan Soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (In press). Alotaibi K.D., J.J. Schoenau. 2014. Comparison of amendment with distillers’ grain versus urea on crop yield and nutrient uptake in a canola-wheat rotation in southern Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94: 1513-157. Alotaibi, K.D., J.J. Schoenau, X. Hao. 2014. Fertilizer potential of thin stillage from wheat-based ethanol production. Bioenergy Research 7: 1421-1429.