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خالد بن عبدالله محمد الرشود

مادة دراسية

Design of reinforced concrete (1)

CE 370

CE 370
Reinforced Concrete Design I
Department of Civil Engineering
KingSaud University
Course Description:
CE 370 Reinforced Concrete  Design I
 (Required for  BSCE degree)
Introduction to reinforced concrete and building codes.  Limit states and design philosophy.  Flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams.  Design of beams for flexure and shear in accordance with strength design method of SBC-304.  Development length of reinforcement, Continuous beams and one-way floor systems.  Short coloumns and spread footings. 4(4,1,0).

CE 306 (Properties and Testing of Structural Materials), CE 360 (Structural Analysis I), Prerequisite by Topics:

  1. Understanding the mechanical behavior of concrete and steel,
  2. Drawing shear force and bending moment diagrams in beams,
  3. Determination of bending and shear stresses in beams,
  4. Computation of elastic deflection in beams.
Course learning Objectives

Students completing this course successfully will be able to

  1. Recognize the importance of building codes.
  2. Understand the design process.
  3. Establish a clear understanding of the mechanical behaviours of reinforcing steel, concrete and reinforced concrete members.
  4. Understand the limit states of a reinforced concrete structure and recognize the importance of each limit state.
  5. Understand the basic principles to properly apply the SBC provisions.
  6. Understand the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams, investigate and design beams for bending and shear.
  7. Understand mechanism of bond transfer, development length and anchorage of reinforcement and provide detailing of reinforced concrete beams.
  8. Understand the design of continuous beams.
  9. Understand the design of one way slabs.
  10. Understand the design of short columns.
  11. Understand the design of spread footings.
  12. Develop proficiency in the methods used in current design practice, with particular reference to the provisions of Saudi Building Code.
Topics Covered
  1. Introduction, Reinforced concrete and building codes. (2 hours).
  2. Limit states and the design of reinforced concrete, structural safety, SBC design procedures, loading and actions. (3 hours).
  3. Materials, Concrete, Strength of concrete, stress-strain relationship, durability of concrete and reinforcement (3 hours).
  4. Flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete beams, analysis and design of rectangular beams (7 hours).
  5. Analysis and design of T-beams and beams with compression reinforcement (7 hours).
  6. Analysis and design of reinforced concrete beams for shear. (7 hours).
  7. Bond, development length of reinforcement. (7 hours).
  8. C
Class/ tutorial  Schedule Class is held four  times per week in 50-minute lecture sessions. There is also a 50-minute weekly tutorial associated with this course.
Computer Applications MS Excel and MATLAB Programs are encouraged to be used during the course.
  Project None.
Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component
  1. Students understand the design process of reinforced concrete structures.
  2. Students learn to understand and use code provisions.
  3. Students recognize the role of professional societies in developing codes and standards and updating current knowledge.
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
  1. Students apply knowledge in mathematics, and principles of mechanics.
  2. Students understand professional and ethical responsibility in achieving accurate structural design to ensure the occupational and public safety.
  3. Students are able to consider alternate design solutions.
  4. Students are encouraged to carry out design in an efficient and professional way.
  5. Students realize the importance of computers in the design process.
  6. Students are able to familiarize themselves with the new developments in techniques, materials, codes and specifications.
  7. Students recognize the importance of serviceability in reinforced concrete structures.
  8. Students recognize the importance of accurate structural analysis in designing structural components.
  9. Students recognize their role with an engineering team carrying other aspects for designing structures, in terms of choosing the structural systems and the interaction of decisions made by various architectural and engineering teams.
  10. Students recognize the importance of reading and understanding technical contents in English in order to achieve life–long learning and be able to carryout their responsibilities.
  11. Students are encouraged to improve their writing, communication and presentation skills.
Textbook(s) and/or Other Required Material
  1. Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, 4rd edition, by J. G. MacGregor and J. K. White,  Prentice-Hall, 2006.
  2. The Saudi Building Code (SBC 301), “Design Loads for   Buildings and Structures”
  3. The Saudi Building Code (SBC 304), “Concrete Structures”
Grade Distribution First Mid-Term Exam: 25%, 2nd Mid-Term Exam: 25%, Final Exam: 40%, Homeworks, Quizes, and Attendance: 10%.
1st Mid Term Exam:  Tuesday, 27/11/1432 H, (25/10/2011).
2nd Mid Term Exam: Tuesday, 10/1/1433 H, (5/1/2012).



ملحقات المادة الدراسية