تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Khulud Bandar Almutairi


Faculty member

كلية العلوم
302- Building 5
مقال فى مجلة

Nonlinear phase shifts of light trapped in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate

We investigate a method for generating nonlinear phase shifts on superpositions of photon number states. The light is stored in a Bose-Einstein condensate via electromagnetically induced transparency memory techniques. The atomic collisions are exploited to generate a nonlinear phase shift of the stored state. The stored light is then revived with the nonlinear phase shift imprinted upon it. We show that this method can be used as a nonlinear-sign gate in the regime where the Thomas-Fermi and mean-field approximations are valid. We test these approximations using realistic parameters and find that these approximations pass the standard tests for validity in a single-component condensate. However, for the two-component condensates considered here, we find that these conditions are insufficiently strict. We find a stronger set of conditions and show for the same set of parameters that the approximations are invalid.

نوع عمل المنشور
اسم الناشر
مزيد من المنشورات

We investigate a method for generating nonlinear phase shifts on superpositions of photon number states. The light is stored in a Bose-Einstein condensate via electromagnetically induced…

بواسطة Khulud Almutairi, Collin M. Trail, David L. Feder, Barry C. Sanders
تم النشر فى:

We describe a mechanism for a controlled generation of a pure Bell state with correlated atoms that involve two or zero excitations. The mechanism inhibits transitions into singly excited…

بواسطة Khulud Almutairi, Ryszard Tanaś, Zbigniew Ficek
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