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Jasmine J Al Jarallah



علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Office No 48, Second Floor, Wing A, Building No1, Department of Information Sciences, Aldiraeah campus The new educational city for Girls. Riyadh.

Evaluating a Computer Module Using Soft Systems Methodology SSM

Jasmine, Aljarallah . 2010




This study examines the use of Soft Systems Methodology in the evaluation and improvement of teaching computer technology in girls’ secondary schools which has been seen as a possible problematic situation. Accordingly, different views (agreed on or conflicting) from different stakeholders (teachers and students) can be captured and brought out since viewing the situation from different perspectives is the main characteristic of the Checkland’s Soft Systems Methodology. The methods used to elicit sufficient information about the situation were a questionnaire for students and discussion with the module teachers and one member of content delivery staff. The implementation of the Soft Systems Methodology was illustrated by stages, which included the development of a rich picture, root definitions, conceptual models and comparison with the real world. The advantages and disadvantages of applying Soft Systems Methodology in this situation were presented in this study’s discussion.

However, the study acknowledged the use of this methodology in some parts in the situation of teaching computer technology especially in relation to rescheduling the sessions and dividing the class into two groups.     

نوع عمل المنشور
مدينة النشر
United Kingdom
نوع الفرضية
Dissertation Submitted in Part-Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of MSc in Information & Technology
Leeds University
مزيد من المنشورات



بواسطة Aljarallah Jasmine