تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Prof. Juliana Linnette D'Sa



كلية التمريض
Maternal and Child Health Nursing Department, College of Nursing, Girls'Campus, PO Box 642,Riyadh 11421, King Saud University,KSA,
مقال فى مجلة

Infant Feeding Pattern during the First Six Months of Age among Primiparas Mothers. Saudi J Nurs Health Care, 7(6): 133-140.10.36348/sjnhc.2024.v07i06.002 3.

The exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) rates are low globally and in Saudi Arabia. This study aimed to identify the type of infant feeding practiced during the first six months of age and determine if there is an association between demographic characteristics and the type of breastfeeding. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted on 401 primipara mothers who attended 15 primary health care centers (PHCCs)by using a self-administered questionnaire. Only 17.2% of infants were exclusively breastfed, and 65.8% were given mixed feeding in the first six months of life. The breastfeeding rate declined from 99.8% in the first month to 76.3% by six months, with a corresponding increase in the use of formula milk, plain water and dates from 31.7%, 24.9%, and 24.7% in the first month to 53.1%. 49.1%, and 32.7% in the six months, respectively. Mothers also used herbs, lump sugar, glucose water and honey every month. A chi-square test reveals no association between the demographic characteristics and type of breastfeeding (EBF, predominant breastfeeding and mixed feeding). The primipara mothers had low EBF rates indicating the need to provide culture-specific education, support and counselling.

نوع عمل المنشور
Original Article
مزيد من المنشورات

Background: Prenatal knowledge about breastfeeding is an important modulator of feeding practices.

بواسطة D’Sa JL, Alsomali R, Alhurubi R, Assiri R, Alobeid H, Dandormah E, Zamzam S
تم النشر فى:
African Journal of Health Sciences

The exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) rates are low globally and in Saudi Arabia. This study aimed to identify the type of infant feeding practiced during the first six months of age and determine if…

بواسطة Alsalamah,AA and D'Sa, JL(2024).

Background: Maternal outcomes are closely associated with birth satisfaction, and the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R), a concise, multidimensional self-report measure,…

بواسطة D’Sa, J. L., Jahlan, I. O., Alsatari, E. S., Zamzam, S., & Martin, C. R.