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أ.د.اسماعيل سلامة سليمان البرصان


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أأ 174 مبنى 15 كلية التربية قسم علم النفس
مقال فى مجلة

Smartphone addiction among university students in the light of some variables

We explored the frequency and indices of smartphone addiction in a group of King Saud University students and investigated whether there were differences in smartphone addiction based on gender, social status, educational level, monthly income and hours of daily use. We developed a questionnaire probing smartphone addiction consisting of five dimensions: 1) overuse of smartphone, 2) the psychological-social dimension, 3) the health dimension, 4) preoccupation with smartphones, and 5) the technological dimension. After being validated, the questionnaire was administered to 416 students, both male and female, at King Saud University. Results revealed that addiction percentage among participants was 48%. The order of smartphone addiction indices were as follows: overuse of smartphone, the technological dimension, the psychological-social dimension, preoccupation with smartphones, and the health dimension. Significant gender differences were found in the degree of addiction on the whole questionnaire and all of its dimensions with the exception of the technological dimension in favor of males. Significant differences by social status were found in favor of the unmarried. Bachelor degree students were found to have the highest degree of addiction. Significant differences by hours of daily use were also detected in favor of participants using the smartphone for more than 4 h a day. As to the monthly income dimension, significant differences were found on the health dimension in favor of participants with lower monthly income.

نوع عمل المنشور
بحث في مجلة مدرحة في قائمة ISI
رقم المجلد
رقم الانشاء
Computers in Human Behavior
مزيد من المنشورات
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We explored the frequency and indices of smartphone addiction in a group of King Saud University students and investigated whether there were differences in smartphone addiction based on gender,…


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