Research Details
Projects Handled and Going On
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh 2013-2015
79 GHz Short Range Radar Antenna Design for Next Generation Intelligent Automotive Radar System (SR1.74 M SAR)
College of Engineering, King Saud University 2014-2015
94 GHz innovative antenna design for next generation high speed Point to point fixed radio system (SR 17,500)
College of Engineering, King Saud University 2013-2014
BCB-Si based millimeter wave antenna design for 60GHz high speed indoor communication system (SR 29950 SR)-Completed
VALEO, Germany (RASSUR Project) 2011-2012
Development of 79GHz CAR Radar Antenna
Simulations are going on for different antenna technology for automotive Short range radar communication for the whole coverage around the vehicle.
CANON, France 2009 - 2012
Development of millimeter antenna array for 60 GHz communication Designed and simulated different antenna prototypes with lens, and patch as source fed by slot coupling or SIW for wide angle scanning forhigh speed indoor communication,Final prototype is under development stage.
BOUYGUES Telecom, France 2010-2012
Development of 24GHz array antennas - This product is commercialized and is used now by Orange and Bouygues Telecom, for inter-tower communication in mobile application, in France since 2012 onwards
LATMOS, France 2010-2011
Development 13.5GHz bipolar antenna array with 10° and 40° tilt, for aircraft application.
Developed array prototype for bipolar antenna, one polar by direct feeding other by slot coupling, with a phase shifting feed network for 10° and 40° and is placed under a big radom which is used in aircraft, supplied by LATMOS, where really the antenna is used. Whole antenna is simulated and developed by taking into account of this Radom.
Britany Region Project, France 2008-2009
Amount: 45000Euros
Study and Development of millimeter wave antennas at 60GHz communication.
Studied by simulating and developing prototypes for different antenna technology including superstrate, to achieve high gain, wideband and efficient antenna for high speed indoor communication.
University of Arkansas, USA 2008
Measurement of Dielectric parameters of Radom sample from US Airforce in 2008 using free space measurement technique for the complete band from C to W band.
DST-Government of India 2003 -2005
Microwave Imaging of Biological Objects for Medical Applications using Free Space Complex Permittivity measurements.
It was a project to develop a set up for microwave medical imaging application. In this project I developed a cylindrical chamber in which the sample/tissue which is to be imaged is placed at the centre of the chamber, and the antenna is rotated in steps around the sample. The image of the sample is reconstructed from the scattered field by signal processing. For smooth traveling of the field we developed coupling media, whose permittivity is close to the permittivity of the sample or tissue, which is placed in between the antenna and the sample.
PhD/ Master Thesis/ Researcher (On going)
King Saud University, KSA
MS Students
1. Name of the Student : Nadeem Ashraf 2013-2014
Thesis Topic : Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antennas for 60 GHz High Speed Communication Systems
2. Name of the Student: WALEED TARIQ M SETHI 2013-2014
BS Students
Name of Students: Suliman AL- bani and Ahmed AL-oraini 2013-2014
Thesis Title: Microwave antenna design for 23GHz point – point fixed radio system
Name of Students: Muhammad Al Rashed and Nasser Al-Homoud 2014-2015
Thesis Title: Antenna Design for Short Range CAR Radar Application
Name of Students: Hameed Naser AL Muneer and Abdullah 2014-2015
Design of Superstrate antennas for high speed WLAN/WPAN wireless communication Systems
PhD/ Master Thesis supervised/ Assisted
University of Rennes1, France
PhD Thesis
1. University of Rennes1, France 2009 - 2012
Name of the student: Tristan SARRAZIN
Thesis topic: 60GHz antenna development using Substrate integrated Technology for high speed wireless Communication.
2. University of Rennes1, France 2011-2014
Name of the Student : Butel Jonathan,
Thesis Topic : 60GHz Antenna development using Lens for high speed indoor communication.
3. University of Rennes1, France 2010-2013
Name of the student: Toufik Tajudin
Thesis Topic: Study of Plasma antenna array development
Master Thesis
1. University of Rennes1, France Oct. 2010- Mar.2011
Name of the student: Mohammed SHEIK,
Thesis Topic: Bandwidth Enhancement of 60 GHz antennas.
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