تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Hanan Abdulgafour Balto حنان عبدالغفور بالطو


Teaching faculty

كلية طب الأسنان
GUC, 2nd Floor, Room # 8
مادة دراسية

Current Endodontic Literature RDS 515 &525(DScD)

The course is designed to acquire a basic understanding of current endodontic literature, different experimental techniques and philosophies in different endodontic topics. The course will have a weekly seminar format; in each session the students will cover about 8-10 articles from the assigned journal. Each student will abstract and discuss thoroughly the scientific merit and the clinical significance of the paper. It is the responsibility of the students to abstract them in a very concise and informative way using the assigned template. Students will have access to original articles in PDF files and present the summary utilizing power point software template. All materials will be uploaded utilizing a cloud server in order to provide any time/where access. In addition, the course will review in details certain topics in endodontics.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية