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د. حمدان بن عبدالعزيز العامري

Associate Professor

عضوء هيئة تدريس

تقنيات التعليم
مقال فى مجلة

Preservice teachers’ experiences of observing their teaching competencies via self-recorded videos in a personalized learning environment

We investigated how preservice teachers observe and analyze their competencies through self-reflection and video-learning community strategies and how self-recorded videos influence their microteaching experience. We aimed to improve preservice teachers’ competencies in light of the Saudi National Professional Teaching Standards. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, and a thematic analysis was performed to extract themes identifying preservice teachers’ experiences and perceptions. The results indicated that the use of self-recorded videos can influence the microteaching experience and help identify development gaps, analyze weaknesses and strengths, and reflect upon them. The results showed that preservice teachers hold positive perceptions and experiences of self-recorded videos to improve their Saudi National Professional Teaching Standards competencies via self-reflection and video learning community. Furthermore, personalized learning principles benefit preservice teacher training programs through self-reflection and self-analysis without coach intervention. This study presents discussions, implications, and recommendations that are relevant to both researchers and practitioners.

نوع عمل المنشور
بحث علمي
اسم الناشر
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Springer Nature
مدينة النشر
Berlin, Germany
رقم المجلد
رقم الانشاء
مزيد من المنشورات

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بواسطة Hamdan Alamri
تم النشر فى:
Journal of Education- Sohag University

We investigated how preservice teachers observe and analyze their competencies through self-reflection and video-learning community strategies and how self-recorded videos influence their…

بواسطة Hamdan A Alamri, Abdulaziz A Alfayez
تم النشر فى:
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Springer Nature

Abstract: The study investigated the impact of female teachers’ competence to use virtual classes Microsoft Teams on students’ learning during their remote teaching. The study also investigated…

بواسطة Dr. Hamdan Alamri, Nouf H. Al-Qahtani
تم النشر فى:
دراسات تربوية واجتماعية - مجلة دورية محكمة تصدر عن كلية التربية - جامعة حلوان