تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Dr. Hussain D. Alsayed د. حسـين الســيّد

Assistant Professor

استاذ مساعد، قسم علوم الإستعاضة السنية - كلية طب الأسنان

كلية طب الأسنان
Dentistry building
مادة دراسية

SDS 433 Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics II






Course Specification

For Guidance on the completion of this template, please refer to  of Handbook 2  Internal Quality Assurance Arrangements

Institution            King Saud University            

College/Department:  college of dentistry/ department of  prosthodontics       


A Course Identification and General Information

1.  Course title and code: 

2.  Credit hours 3 hours  (1 Lecture  + 2 Clinical) 

3.  Program(s) in which the course is offered.

(If general elective available in many programs indicate this rather than list programs) BDS – Bachelor of Dental Surgery 

4.  Name of faculty member responsible for the course


5.  Level/year at which this course is offered  :  

4th year Fourth year 1st and 2nd semester (2012-2013G) (1433-1434H) 


6.  Pre-requisites for this course (if any)  :    

333 SDS (Introduction to Fixed Prosthodontics) 


7.  Co-requisites for this course (if any)


8.  Location if not on main campus


B  Objectives   

1.  Summary of the main objectives for students enrolled in the course.


Upon completion of this course, each student should:


  • collect  basic concepts necessary for the diagnosis and treatment planning  of simple fixed prostheses.
  • Develop skills managing  a simple  clinical fixed prosthetic cases successfully.
  •  perform  different types of tooth preparations of abutments of fixed prostheses.  
  •  fabricate a biologically compatible and esthetically and functionally acceptable provisional crown.  
  • safely manage soft tissues for making impressions of prepared tooth/teeth. 
  • utilizing a face bow, inter-occlusal records and semi-adjustable articulators for mounting clinical cases.
  • compile preclinical informations of restoring missing tooth/teeth with dental implants.


2.  Briefly describe any plans for developing and improving the course that are being implemented.  (eg increased use of IT or web based reference material,  changes in content as a result of new research in the field)

Using blackboard unit  



E Learning Resources



1. Required Text(s) 

 Rosenstiel SF, Land MF & Fujimoto J. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics, 4th ed. Mosby Elsevier, 2006.


2. Essential References  

 Shillingburg HT, Hobo S, Whitsett LD, Jacobi R & Brackett SE. Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics, 3rd ed. Quintessence Publishing Co, 1997.

3- Recommended Books and Reference Material (Journals, Reports, etc) (Attach List)

4-.Electronic Materials, Web Sites etc

5- Other learning material such as computer-based programs/CD, professional standards/regulations

ملحقات المادة الدراسية