المنشورات مقال فى مجلة تم النشر فى: https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/75173150/6-_idosi_health_literacy_1-libre… Nursing Perspectives on Health Literacy Challenges and Strategies: A Systematic Review اسم الناشر IDOSI رقم المجلد 23 رقم الانشاء 11 مجلة/صحيفة Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research الصفحات 2645-2656 مزيد من المنشورات Factors shaping patient safety management in the middle East hospitals from nursing perspective: a focus group study Middle East hospitals make all the efforts to manage patient safety in an effective and efficient manner. When the culture of blame and other factors exist, patient safety management efforts and… بواسطة Hanan A. Ezzat Alkorashy 2013 تم النشر فى: IDOSI Nursing Perspectives on Health Literacy Challenges and Strategies: A Systematic Review تم النشر فى: IDOSI Readiness for self-directed learning among bachelor nursing students in Saudi Arabia: A Survey-Based Study Background بواسطة Hanan A Ezzat Alkorashy, Nesreen E Abu Assi 2016