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هشام بن محمد القاسم


عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية العمارة والتخطيط
مبنى 32، الدور الثاني

نحو مسكن ميسر ومستدام

القاسم, هشام بن محمد . 2014

This thesis focuses on the cost and quality differences between black market services

and professional architectural services in the construction of new housing in the city of Riyadh,

Saudi Arabia. It also serves to raise awareness of these issues within society by providing tools

that can help those who wish to build a home. The primary focus of the research is to show

the large differences in cost between both black market and professional service providers,

with the aim to study both costly and inexpensive practices in today architecture practices and

find ways to highlight them. Once these practices have been described, methods and tools are

also discussed in order to provide both professionals and non-professionals ways to construct

more affordable and sustainable housing that meets the unique needs of Riyadh’s rapidly

growing population.

نوع عمل المنشور
مدينة النشر
مزيد من المنشورات

This thesis focuses on the cost and quality differences between black market services

and professional architectural services in the construction of new housing in the…

بواسطة هشام بن محمد القاسم