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فيصل بن سليمان بن محمد المجلي


قسم الجغرافيا

العلوم اﻹنسانية واﻻجتماعية
مبنى 16 (كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية) - مكتب أب 103
مقال فى مجلة

Adopting a new approach for finding missing people using GIS techniques: A case study in Saudi Arabia’s desert area

search and rescue WiSAR Geographic Information Systems mobility model

Every year, hundreds of people go missing in the wilderness of Saudi Arabia. There is an urgent need to examine modern geographic techniques for finding such people. Geographical information systems, for example, play a crucial role in wilderness search and rescue (WiSAR), not only in mapping probability areas but also in applying further analysis and modeling methods to reduce time and effort and to guide life-saving task forces in the right direction. In this study of a hypothetical missing-person case in Saudi Arabia, two standard WiSAR models are compared: ring and mobility. In the presented study situation, both models can be used. However, the new approach used in the mobility model drastically reduces the extent of the possible search area, from 101,787 km2 in the ring model to 335.34 km of likely trails and unpaved roads, and also provides exact directions to where the missing person may be found.

اسم الناشر
De Gruyter
Open Geosciences
مزيد من المنشورات

Every year, hundreds of people go missing in the wilderness of Saudi Arabia. There is an urgent need to examine modern geographic techniques for finding such people.

بواسطة Faisal Sulaiman Almujalli, Hamad Ahmed Altuwaijri
تم النشر فى:
De Gruyter

الخصائص المكان

بواسطة أ. فيصل بن سليمان المجلي, د. فهد بن عبدالعزيز المطلق
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الجمعية الجغرافية الكويتية

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أ. فيصل بن سليمان…

بواسطة أ. فيصل بن سليمان المجلي
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المجلة العربية للدراسات الجغرافية