Pilot System for Light-Weight Precision Gravimeter
Mohamed, A.S. Aguib, I. El Sebaie and A. . 2018
Gravity measurements are required for many applications. Examples of which are; monitoring of ground water depth changes and determination of the Geoid (Extension of Mean Sea Level MSL under the solid Earth) are among the important data used in many engineering applications.Commercially available precision gravimetry systems that use proprietary accelerometers are bulky, expensive nd not easily integrate-able in vehicle mountable systems. In this research low expensive light weight accurate system is designed based on a navigation-grade, GNSS-aided inertial navigation system and a low-noise seismic accelerometer triad sensor. It can be mounted on a vehicle to measure accurate real time gravity differences among points. The system is tested and preliminary results reveal 1μGal (1 micro-gal) potential gravity anomaly estimates. The developed system can be used in applications as mapping groundwater depth change by correlating it with the measured gravity anomalies to combat groundwater depletion.
Lifecycle cost optimization for a pipeline network with medium-sized pipes is performed considering steady and unsteady flow conditions. Genetic algorithms are used to generate a wide range of …
Gravity measurements are required for many applications.
The soil grain size may affect the volume of scour-hole and maximum scour depth substantially. In this paper, the effect of soil grain sizes (d50 = 3, 0.1, 0.002 mm) on the…