Her current research focuses on HCI aspects of social computing and innovation, interaction design, participatory design, CSCW and community-driven research. Dr. Ebtisam is an active professional member of SIGCHI community and local institutions, with a history of volunteer work with the leading international community of professionals interested in research, education and the practical application of HCI. Besides her work and research, she was also engaged in STEM programs for promoting computer science careers in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, she has been honored with Teaching and Advising Excellence Award (three times) and the Excellence in Research Award.
IT 214 - UX Design
IT 427 - IT Entrepreneurship & Innovation
IT 326 - Data Mining
IT 222 - Database Systems Principles
IT 320 - Practical Software Engineering
CSC 111 - Computer Programming
BSc Graduation Projects
(2024-2025) SAIR: a location-based monitoring and management system for delivery motorcycle.
(2023-2024) Taboua (تبوأَّ): a waste management system using GPS and image recognition.
(2021-2022) Focus-Spot Finder: a location-based mobile app for work spaces.
(2020-2021) Lassen: video-based mobile communication app for stammering therapy.
(2020) KSUERS: a mobile social network application for KSU students (co-supervision with Dr. Mashael Alsaleh).
(2012-2013) Smart Hajj: a SC-based technology (smart card) to enhance the quality of Hajj services.
MSc Graduation Projects
(2022-2023) Effects of Explanations on Users' Emotional Responses in Recommender Systems.