تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Dania Adel Salamah

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor, Dept. of English Language

اللغات وعلومها
Bld. 4, 2nd Floor, Office No. 10
مقال فى مجلة

Translation Competence and the Translation Job Market in Saudi Arabia: Investigating Recruitment Practices and Job-market Readiness

The current study set out to examine the recruitment practices and job-market readiness of translators in Saudi Arabia in light of the Process in the Acquisition of Translation Competence and Evaluation (PACTE) model of translation competence (TC). The main purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which the outcomes of translator training programs are aligned with job-market requirements.

A case study was conducted adopting a mixed-methods research design to collect qualitative and quantitative data using interviews and a questionnaire. Data were also collected from the analysis of 28 translation job advertisements. The questionnaire targeted employers, while the interviews were conducted with employers and professional translators.

The findings indicate that there is a gap between the outcomes of translator training programs and the needs of the job market with a particular emphasis on the importance of developing trainee translators' job-market skills as well as their awareness of the professional practice of translation.

Research limitations/implications
The findings of the current study are limited to the sample from which data were collected.

Practical implications
The study has significant implications for translators and translator training in Saudi Arabia. Although the Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission and the Saudi Translators' Association were established in 2020, additional measures are needed to support the translation profession in Saudi Arabia. Such support may take the form of specialised accreditation for translator training programs as well as licensing requirements for practitioners. Implementing these measures will play a significant role in establishing benchmarks for translator training programs and promoting the integration of job-market requirements into translator training.

Although TC has been examined in the Saudi context before, examining it in light of the PACTE framework sheds new light on the job-market readiness of translation program graduates and enriches the literature on the training of translators in Saudi Arabia.

نوع عمل المنشور
Research Article
اسم الناشر
Saudi Journal of Language Studies
رقم المجلد
رقم الانشاء
مزيد من المنشورات


بواسطة Dania Adel Salamah
تم النشر فى:
Saudi Journal of Language Studies

Translator training is an area that has received much interest among the research community of Translation Studies scholars.  This is driven by the need for highly qualified and skilled…

بواسطة Dania Salamah