المنشورات مقال فى مجلة 2020 تم النشر فى: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1319562X20302965#:~:text=Con… Host associated mixed probiotic bacteria induced digestive enzymes in the gut of tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon رقم المجلد 27 رقم الانشاء 9 مجلة/صحيفة Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences الصفحات 2497-2484 مزيد من المنشورات Host associated mixed probiotic bacteria induced digestive enzymes in the gut of tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon بواسطة YinWangaDunia A.Al FarrajbPonnuswamyVijayaraghavancAshraf A.HatamlehbGurupatham DevadhasanBijidAhmed MostafaRadye 2020 Improving sensitivity of antimicrobial drug nitrofurazone detection in food and biological samples based on nanostructured anatase-titania sheathed reduced graphene oxide بواسطة Tse-Wei Chen1,3,4,5, Elayappan Tamilalagan1,5, Dunia A Al Farraj2, Shen-Ming Chen1, Akilarasan Muthumariappan1, Selvarasu Maheshwaran1 and Mohamed Soliman Elshikh2 2020 Sensitive and robust colorimetric assay for the detection of Hg2+ at nanomolar level from real samples by TMPM functionalized Ag-Fe NCs and it's photocatalytic and antimicrobial activities بواسطة S. Balasuryaa, Dunia A. Al Farrajb, Ajith M. Thomasc, Noorah A. Alkubaisib, Lija L. Rajud, Arunava Dasa, S. Sudheer Khana,* 2020 تم النشر فى: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering