تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Dr. Belgacem Ben Youssef

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات

مجالات الخبره

High Performance Computing, Computational biology, Image Processing, Machine Learning


المزيد ...


In classical machine learning algorithms, used in many analysis tasks, the data are cen-
tralized for training. That is, both the model and the data are housed within one device. Federated…

بواسطة B. Ben Youssef, L. Alhmidi, Y. Bazi, and M. Zuair
تم النشر فى:

In the field of satellite imaging, effectively managing the enormous volumes of data from remotely sensed hyperspectral images presents significant challenges due to the limited bandwidth and…

بواسطة A. Altamimi and B. Ben Youssef
تم النشر فى:

The square root operation is indispensable in a myriad of computational science and engineering applications. Various computational techniques have been devised to approximate its value. In…

بواسطة A. Altamimi and B. Ben Youssef
تم النشر فى:
Springer Nature

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


Topics covered in this course include: Factors affecting the advances in processor design. Basic computer organization. Performance evaluation and metrics. Assembly language of MIPS processor.…


This course provides students with advanced knowledge on synchronous sequential machines and basic knowledge in programmable logic devices including a hardware description language (Verilog). The…

الساعات المكتبية

Saturday الأحد الاثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة
من _ 10:00 AM 09:00 AM 10:00 AM 09:00 AM 10:00 AM _
الى _ 11:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM _
الموقع _ Office 2220 Office 2220 Office 2220 Office 2220 Office 2220 Office 2220 Office 2220 Office 2220 Office 2220 Office 2220 _