Call for Research Papers
AS EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERSHIP: With pleasure I invite you to contribute articles to;
- “PLOS ONE” https://journals.plos.org/plosone/static/editorial-board
- Toxicology and Industrial Health. https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/journal/toxicology-and-industrial-health#editorial-board
- “OncoDRUGS” an international Journal of Anticancer Drugs. http://oncodrugs.org/journal/editorial.php
- International Journal of Cancer and Oncology. http://www.ommegaonline.org/editorial-members.php?id=24&page=2
- Austin Journal of Pharmacology & Therapeutics. http://austinpublishinggroup.com/pharmacology-therapeutics/editorialboard.php
We accept manuscripts of any types to make the Journal the real platform for discussion: original research, review, case reports, editorial, letter′s to the editor, methodology, news and commentary, rapid communications, short reports. Our professional staff adds further value to your paper through the copy-editing process, which minimize stylistic errors, grammatical errors and improves readability. You may submit your manuscript through the web-based submission system of each journal.