تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Asad Saghir Syed

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

كليات العلوم
Building 5, Second Floor, 2B-58



M.Sc and Ph.D researcher from King Saud University interested in joining the group are…

المزيد ...

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


The course contains: Introduction to Yeast Isolation, Purification Morphology and Colonial characteristics Cellular characteristics and ascospore formation …


This course contains: Introduction to Petroleum Microbiology Sample collection, Microbial groups in the oil fields, Storage of isolated cultures (short period and long period)…


Industrial Microbiology MBI 465

الساعات المكتبية

Saturday الأحد الاثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة
من _ 08:00 AM 08:00 AM 08:00 AM 08:00 AM 08:00 AM _
الى _ 03:00 PM 03:00 PM 03:00 PM 04:00 PM 05:00 PM _
الموقع _ Lab 2B 58, Building 5, College of Science Lab 2B 58, Building 5, College of Science Lab 2B 58, Building 5, College of Science Lab 2B 58, Building 5, College of Science Lab 2B 58, Building 5, College of Science Lab 2B 58, Building 5, College of Science Lab 2B 58, Building 5, College of Science Lab 2B 58, Building 5, College of Science Lab 2B 58, Building 5, College of Science Lab 2B 58, Building 5, College of Science _