تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Prof. Abdelbaset Sabry Mohamed El-Sorogy


Professor of Paleontology and Paleoecology

كليات العلوم
Building 4, Floor 1, Room 1b59



تقرر اجراء اختبار منتصف الترم الاول لطلبة جيو 107رقم الشعبة 64393 يوم الاحد الموافق 23-2-2020…

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

Main Intersts
- Quaternary coral reefs.
- Cretaceous coral and rudist reefs.
- Jurassic coral reefs.
- Sequence stratigraphy.
- Environmental assessment of the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf coasts using skeletons of bivalves, corals, foraminifera; sediments and seawater.
- Paleontology
- Diagenesis
- Depositional environment

المزيد ...


Three major lithofacies have been described in Lajjun area, central Jordan, including
the phosphorite and intercalated limestone of the Al‐Hisa Phosphorite Formation,
as well as the…


The Late Pleistocene reef unit of the last interglacial marine isotope stage 5e stretches all over most of
the coastal cliffs and wadi cuts and interrupted only in wadi entrances along the…


Middle to Late Pleistocene coral reefs stretch in three discontinuously elevated units
above the present sea level between Duba and Sharma along the Red Sea coast,
northwest Saudi…

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


A student research project for graduation with title: Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Aruma Formation, Saudi Arabia.


A student research project for graduation with title: Scleractinian corals of the Hajajah Limestone Member, Aruma Formation, Saudi Arabia.


Essentials of earth history, Uniformitarianism, The law of superposition, Unconformities, Mountain building, Stratigraphic units, Fossils and fossilization, Correlation, Absolute time and…