ALPS: An Arabic based License Plate Recognition System for Real-Time Car Monitoring
Suwais, • R. Al-Otaibi, A. Al-Hassan, A. Al-Fahad, L. Al-Qahtani, N. Al-Robie, T. AL-Faris and K. . 2011
Most of the existing cars monitoring systems which control the entrances of governmental and private facilities depend on a security guard that uses visual verification techniques to identify authorized cars. Human faults, such as guards allowing unauthorized cars, may occur. Therefore, this paper presents a full automated Arabic License Plate Recognition System (ALPRS), for Real-Time Car Monitoring. ALPRS includes a combination of edge technologies from both fields of computer vision and decision support systems. The idea depends on developing an information system that is responsible for monitoring cars at entrances using license plate recognition technique (LPR). LPR is an image- processing technique used to identify vehicles by their license plates. There are many LPR systems for processing English, Chinese and Hindi license plates, while there is a lack in finding LPR systems that deal with Arabic license plates.
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Most of the existing cars monitoring systems which control the entrances of governmental and private facilities depend on a security guard that uses visual verification techniques to identify…