تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Abdossalam M Madkhali

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

كلية الطب
Internal Medicine Dept., Level 3, College of Medicine (West Building)

Student Researchers Recruitment Service - College of Medicine


Student Researchers Recruitment Service

In collaboration with the Student Council and the Student Research Unit of the Vice Deanship of Academic Affairs, we are updating our Student Researchers Recruitment Service:

The following link is open year-round for faculty from the College of Medicine to submit requests for students. All requests submitted by faculty before 9 AM on Wednesdays during term time are sent to the students and interns database on Friday. Then the students who are interested rank their favourite projects and submit their preferences. By the following Thursday, names and details of students interested are sent to their preferred project supervisor.

For faculty, submit your request here (https://forms.office.com/r/GRngNaBAQv).


For students, the weekly projects docket and sign-up link will be sent in the Friday weekly research newsletter.


مزيد من إعلان
Dec 2023

Student Researchers Recruitment Service In…


Attached are a group of files and material aimed at our students and trainees to help…