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Esam A. AlWagait عصام بن عبدالله الوقيت

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Bldg 31- First Floor

A Framework for On-the-fly Integration of Biomedical Web Services

S. Ghandeharizadeh, E. Alwagait, and S. Manjunath.
Proteus RTI: A Framework for On-the-fly Integration of Biomedical Web Services.
USC Database Laboratory Technical Report Number 2006-05.
Note: Appeared in the Second International Advanced Database Conference (IADC), San Diego, California, June 27-29, 2006.
Abstract: On-the-fly integration refers to scenarios where a user, say a neuroscientist, wants to integrate a Web Service immediately after discovering it. The challenge is to significantly reduce the required information technology skills to empower the user to focus on the domain-specific problem. Proteus RTI is a first step towards addressing this challenge. It includes a graphical interface to enable a user to register and integrate Web Services together. This paper emphasizes example uses of the system from a neuroscience perspective, providing a brief overview of the system and its one time implementation of optimization techniques.

مزيد من المنشورات

S. Ghandeharizadeh, E. Alwagait, and S. Manjunath.
Proteus RTI: A Framework for On-the-fly Integration of Biomedical Web Services.
USC Database Laboratory Technical Report…


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A Comparison of Alternative Web Service Allocation and Scheduling Policies.
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