S. Ghandeharizadeh, E. Alwagait, and S. Manjunath. Proteus RTI: A Framework for On-the-fly Integration of Biomedical Web Services. USC Database Laboratory Technical Report…
M. Saxena, S. Kim, E. Alwagait, A. M. Khan, G. Burns, J. Su, A. G. Watts, and S. Ghandeharizadeh. Sangam: A Data Integration Framework for Studies of Stimulus-Circuitry-Gene Coupling…
E. Alwagait and S. Ghandeharizadeh A Comparison of Alternative Web Service Allocation and Scheduling Policies. In IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC),…
Introduction to computer security with different aspects about it. The course have many goals, among them
•Identify security and privacy issues in/related to
•Programs and…
تقنيات الشبكات المحلية والكبرى - ربط الشبكات: المبادئ و البنيات - عنونة الانترنت - بروتوكولات التوجيه – التحكم في الأخطاء - بروتوكولات الطبقات - تطوير التطبيقات في محيط TCP/IP- تطبيقاتTCP/IP…
In this course we will explore issues related to Social Media. We will cover wide variety of topics including
- algorithms used in Social Media
- Database techniques used in Social…