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د. أحمد جعفر الشبلي


محاضر، قسم علوم الحاسب

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Building 31 Office 2184
مقال فى مجلة

A Decision-Support System for the Saudi Ministry of Higher Education

A., Alfantookh, Abdulkader . 2012

A decision support system is a computer-based system that enables high management to interrogate the stored data on an ad hoc basis for various kinds of information on the organization and to predict the effect of potential decisions beforehand. In this article, we propose a decision support system for the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia (MOHE-DSS). The objectives of MOHE-DSS are to serve as a visual tool for tracking growth in various fields of education and access to future predictions. Through our system we can make inquiries and predictions related to the data collected from different universities. We can also analyze the relationships between different sources such as the relationship between the evolutions of the number of graduates majoring in a specific field of study with the evolution of the number of job positions that have been filled.

رقم المجلد
رقم الانشاء
International Journal for Computers & Their Applications
مزيد من المنشورات

A decision support system is a computer-based system that enables high management to interrogate the stored data on an ad hoc basis for various kinds of information on the organization and to…

بواسطة Alfantookh, Abdulkader A., Ramadan, Hussam M., Hafez, Alaa Eldin M., Ykhlef, Mourad A., AlShibli, Ahmad J., Benchikh, Mourad A.