Midterm Exam 1 for Math 244-Semester2-1445H
Date & time of Midterm Exam 1
(From 7 pm to 8:30 pm (Sunday 18-2-2024
Weightage: 25%
Course contents for Midterm Exam 1 are being suggested as follows
Chapter 1: Matrices and algebra of matrices; elementary row and column operations; inverse of amatrix; special matrices
Chapter 2: Definition of determinant of a square matrix; evaluation of a determinant; properties
of determinants; adjoint of a matrix and its properties
Chapter 3: Systems of linear equations and their kinds; Gauss and Gauss – Jordan elimination
,methods; Solving linear systems by inverse of a matrix; homogeneous systems of linear equations
Cramer’s Rule
Date & time of Midterm Exam 1 (From 4:45 pm to 6:15 pm (Sunday 16-2-…
Midterm Exams for Math 244-Semester1-1446H Date & time of Midterm Exam 1…
Date & time of Midterm Exam 1…