تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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امانى محمد احمد باسودان



كلية طب الأسنان
كلية طب الأسنان المدينة الجامعية للطالبات

أسئلة أختبارات


I.      Short Notes:

1-     Define the following dental terms:

                               a.         Dental plaque.



                              b.        Dental pellicle.



                              c.         Gingiva.





2-     What are the phases of plaque formation?



3-     Numerate the types of cementum and their locations.


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ):

1-     The ability of the gingiva to withstand friction and pressure from mastication can be PRIMARILY attributed to the:

                               a.         Junctional epithelium.

                              b.        Oral gingival epithelium.

                              c.         Gingival fiber epithelium.

                              d.        Vascular supply network. 

2-     In comparison to alveolar mucosa, attached gingiva can be distinguished histologically by the appearance of:

                               a.         deep rete pegs.

                              b.        a thin lamina propria.

                              c.         numerous elastic fibers.

                              d.        a distinctive sub-mucosa.


4-     What type of epithelium is the junctional epithelium?

                               a.         Pseudo-stratified, nonkeratinized

                              b.        Stratified squamous, nonkeratinized

                              c.         Stratified squamous, parakeratinized

                              d.        Stratified squamous, orthokeratinized


5-     The instrument specifically designed to explore molar furcations is the ---------------probe.

                               a.         Nabers

                              b.        Williams

                              c.         Michigan “O”

                              d.        North Carolina

6-     Through and through furcation is:

                               a.         Class I

                              b.        Class II

                              c.         Class III



7-     Guided tissue regeneration is best indicated for:

                               a.         Class I

                              b.        Class II

                              c.         Class III


8-     The recommended suturing technique for use after gingivectomy is:

                               a.         Direct loop.

                              b.        Mattress suture.

                              c.         Sling suture.

                              d.        None of the above.

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